The bible says we will know them by their fruit. Do they display the fruits of the Spirit? But all sin and fall short, so if they are not as perfect as Christ you can't assume they are not genuine. The bible says if they are living in sin (not just visiting) they are no longer in Christ (but can repent and come back like the prodigal son). Living in sin, or willful sin, is premeditated, continual, without goal and effort to stop.
A true christian will grow in Christ- which means they will become more knowledgeable in the scriptures, and they will sin less and less as time goes by. I know someone who has been in the church fifty+ years, and for fifty+ years has been a secret drunk. She puts on an act in church, everyone thinks she's so sweet, then she leaves the church and goes straight to buy alcohol- the money for which she gets from prostitution. She does horrific things to her children and grandchildren. She exercises false humility around the right people. She has not grown in Christ. And what does not grow, dies.
Unfortunately, you would have to know someone outside of church services to really know them. You would have to see them in situations where their patience is tested. And in the same way, you could know of a church member's sins of which they repented, and not know that they truly live as a Christian during the week. When I was a teenager I stopped going to church, and people gossipped about me. They didn't know I was kidnapped and held captive in a basement for years. We cannot judge people cause only God truly knows. But He let's us judge between right and wrong in ourselves and others.
There is much to understand- like your brother may be at a different stage of growth than you- just as physical siblings can be different ages- one is two, another fourteen, another twenty seven, etc. As you said, Judas was a Christian, Paul (Saul) was not. Judas will not go to heaven, Paul will. Only God knows for certain, but that cannot hinder us from sticking to scripture best we can, holding others accountable, and judging between right and wrong where they are currently. We can judge their words and actions, but only God can judge their soul. We can say "What you did was wrong." But we cannot say "You are going to hell!"
A true christian will grow in Christ- which means they will become more knowledgeable in the scriptures, and they will sin less and less as time goes by. I know someone who has been in the church fifty+ years, and for fifty+ years has been a secret drunk. She puts on an act in church, everyone thinks she's so sweet, then she leaves the church and goes straight to buy alcohol- the money for which she gets from prostitution. She does horrific things to her children and grandchildren. She exercises false humility around the right people. She has not grown in Christ. And what does not grow, dies.
Unfortunately, you would have to know someone outside of church services to really know them. You would have to see them in situations where their patience is tested. And in the same way, you could know of a church member's sins of which they repented, and not know that they truly live as a Christian during the week. When I was a teenager I stopped going to church, and people gossipped about me. They didn't know I was kidnapped and held captive in a basement for years. We cannot judge people cause only God truly knows. But He let's us judge between right and wrong in ourselves and others.
There is much to understand- like your brother may be at a different stage of growth than you- just as physical siblings can be different ages- one is two, another fourteen, another twenty seven, etc. As you said, Judas was a Christian, Paul (Saul) was not. Judas will not go to heaven, Paul will. Only God knows for certain, but that cannot hinder us from sticking to scripture best we can, holding others accountable, and judging between right and wrong where they are currently. We can judge their words and actions, but only God can judge their soul. We can say "What you did was wrong." But we cannot say "You are going to hell!"
He came across as a genuine man of God and a great father and husband, so everyone was shocked to the core.
We have a guy in our Church who spent over 20 years in prison, he has a very powerful testimony. Most of his family and friend had written him off as lost forever, but from all accounts he is a true Christian.
So we never know who God will save, the thief on the cross was saved in the final moments of his life. It's very easy to look at some peoples lives and think there's no hope for them, or they are so deceived by false religion that they will remain blind for the rest of their life. but all things are possible with God so we must treat everyone as if they are Gods people no matter how sinful their lives are.
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