The Roman Catholic church used to follow the bible correctly, but then man took over (the pope) turning it into a
religion. Religion is something invented by man. It's man made.
Did you know? - The pope isn't even catholic. He's pagan! The pope has introduced a lot of Pagan traditions into the catholic church. These pagan traditions in turn leads to Baal aka - Satan.
(Below - necklace symbolic in 824-811 BC for pagan sun worship) (Below - Pope wears similar symbol)
(Below - symbols of Baal and Shamash worn by a Catholic Bishop)
(Pope below and to the right, a pagan fish god - the hat is identical, symbolizing a fish's mouth)
(Wearing hat of the Pagan God)
(Pagan God below)
(Pope wants one world religion)
(Pope standing with Pagans)
(Pope being annointed by Hindu priestess with the pagan “Sign of the Tilak”)
(Pope at a Masonic Lodge (Masons are Pagan)
(Pope with the World Council of Churches Orthodox, Swiss Reformed, “Catholic”, Lutheran, Methodist)
Are Catholics Idol Worshippers? (On Idol Worship)
(Revelations 17)
"The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name
Pope Symmachus (498-514) was a fornicator.
Pope Sergius (687-701) wanted to become pope so badly that he offered a bribe, one hundred gold pieces, to the emperor's representative to Italy.
Pope Stephen VII (VI) (896-897). He charged his predecessor (Pope Formosus) who was dead. Trial was arranged against Pope Formosus who was dead, they dug out his dead body and he was charged guilty, of coveting the papal throne. The corpse was stripped and the three fingers of its right hand chopped off. The body was then finally flung off into the River Tiber.
John XII (955-964) was the person who initiated the tradition of changing names upon elevation to the throne. He went after every woman he could find. He was reputed to have slept with his niece, his father’s ex-lover and even his own mother! He died the way he lived; from a heart attack while making love to a married woman.
Pope Gregory IX (1227-1241). Gregory was the pope who established the infamous Inquisition. In 1231 Gregory extended the legislation against heretics making them liable to the death penalty, which at that time, was to be burnt at the stake. In fact, the death penalty became
mandatory for those who were condemned by the Inquisition for heresy.
Pope Sixtus IV (1471-1484) - He was involved in murder and he was dragged into war. Rome's financial resources were drained due to the war. Sixtus was the first pope to license the prostitution in Rome; prostitution brought a large income to the papacy. He introduced the of sale of indulgence for the dead. Thus living relatives of the dead, eager to help their loved ones in purgatory dug deep into their pockets to reduced the dead’s suffering.
* Pope Innocent VIII (1484-1492) illegitimate children by marrying them off into princely families.
* Alexander VI (1492-1503) both before and after he became pope had countless number of mistresses through which he fathered at least ten children.
* Leo X (1513-1521) The city of less than fifty thousand had seven thousand registered prostitutes! A large part of his income also came from the licensed brothels in Rome.
* Pope Julius III (1550-1555) a lover of pleasure, a glutton and a heavy gambler.
* Pope Alexander VIII (1689-1691) with the rise of Protestantism, pope’s behavior began to improve. Luther saw the immorality of the Roman church when he visited Rome, Luther said if there be a hell Rome is built over it. She is a seductress. The seat of the seductress is Waters. She is sitting on the people of the world. You go to any country and you will see world wide universal influence of Roman Catholicism. She is sitting on them, she is comfortable sitting on peoples of the earth, and here we see she is oppressing them, lording over the people instead of serving them.
The Roman Catholic Church is an institution of vast importance to politics from the very beginning. Constantine the Roman emperor regarded himself as the head of the church. It was called the Holy Roman Empire. The popes were engaged in war, Kings borrowed money from the popes; Rome has much influence with the kings of the earth.
You saw when Pope John Paul II died how all the world leaders attended his funeral including President George W. Bush and his wife. Bush was the first U.S president to attend a funeral of a pope. He said, “He said the services that brought kings, presidents and pilgrims from across the globe to Rome was a "powerful and moving reminder of the profound impact this pope had on our world."
CNN.COM April 9, 2005
Verse 2. Look at her influence; the inhabitants of the earth made drunk with the wine of her fornication, meaning people were made drunk of her sins. Her influence is worldwide influence and for evil. Spreading sin, abominations where ever she goes. She seduce them with wine, with false doctrine, false worship. When a man is drunk the man believes anything, losing the senses, man believes a lie and believes the woman. You heard when you are trying to witness to a Roman Catholic they say, “I am a born Catholic and die catholic.” They are drunk; they have been seduced by the harlot of Rome.
Verse 3-4)
So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
The seven heads are seven mountains.
Re 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
Seven Hills of Rome The hills upon which the ancient city of Rome was built, including the Palatine (traditional site of the founding of the city), Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Quirinal, and Viminal hills.
The heads are the symbols and the heads are the explanations of the mountains, literal mountains. It gives a very clear picture of the geographical location of the woman.
Beast supports the woman.
This harlot the Roman church is sitting on a beast. Who is this beast? See verse 8.
Verse 4: "And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked
with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication":
Purple and Scarlet are the colors of the Catholic clergy.
The distinctive color of the woman is Scarlet. Rome's Catedrals, Notre Dame at Paris, the Staue pointed Cathedral at Milan, Saint Peter's at Rome, and you will find Gold, Silver, pearls, and all precious things. You will find all kinds of gifts from Kings, from emperors, queens, offerings from the richest of earth, wealth enough to make even kings envy.
Look at this church filled with gold, with silver and precious stones, and you will find that its official color is scarlet, scarlet in the hat of its cardinals, scarlet in the robes of its pontiff and priests, scarlet everywhere - a scarlet-colored church. What was the color you saw during the funeral of pope John Paul II? The color of scarlet.
Why it is scarlet? Remember just before the crucifixion of Christ.
Mt 27:28 And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe.
They mocked him as the king, the Messiah. But this woman arrayed with purple and scarlet color is an expression of her authority and power.
This scarlet-clad woman is drunk with the blood of saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
(Verse 6)
It is the picture of the Roman Catholic, that in the name of Christ, causing the martyrdom of true saints, and thirsting after there blood till she is drunken by it. It happened in history and a day is coming again that she will persecute the true woman the bride of Christ, the church, this woman will drink the persecuting of God saints as a man drinks the taste of wine. She will be intoxicated with the martyr’s blood.