I can't find an answer that I agree with in the pool. I agree that parts of RC theology is in error.[/QUOTE]
A tree is known by the fruit that it bears, how about the majority if not all of RC Theology misses the mark!
The Catholic theology goes away from truth then their changed original creed (by adding filioque). Such step had turned into various deviations (from the original christiany).
But, still Roman Church is a Church, which kept herself as independent traditional superior christian institution.
While most of mutated (protestant) denominations could not be called as church, at all.
And the protestant theology gone much more away from the original christian confession.
The church clergymen is a part of a people. So much (terrible) evil friuts which you see in among catholic priests in USA is also a blame to the people and (sorry) to the modern US life-style.
I am not a catholic (an orthodox)
But, apart, from all negative we know about many catholic priests, I am absolutely sure that still Roman Church is that stone against which the gates of hell will not prevail.
Simply (in two words) it is a church which will not bowed to antichrist (in the last time) but whose hierarchy will head the resistance of christiance.
It is a church, to last leader of which is Philadelphian message adressed (Rev 3:7-12).
It is a church whose saints will be in open war against anthichrist and fasle prophet.
It is a church around which will be gathered all last christian martyrs (including them from converted jews).
And even if now Roman church is partly corrupted it will be cleaned and cured and reinstated as last Fortress of Christianity.
Because ONLY THE INDEPENDENT OLDEST Church could resist in the upcoming conflict beetwen last global statehood and last christians.
Evil is a NEW Babylon. And it not about Rome and Catholic church, because capital of Italy in our last time does not reign as SUPERCOUNTRY (as the Revelation 17 points about the Great Harlot sitting on the Beast).
True upcoming evil is another church, not Roman Catholic.