Tongues edify the speaker. Interpretation of tongues edify the assembly. And Paul addresses this section to former idol worshippers as we see at the opening of chapter 12. So we are talking about Gentiles also speaking in tongues and being edified by tongues and interpretation.
Linguistic analysis of modern "tongues" confirms that they are not actual languages.
"A very stringent study, which was carried out in the USA by Kildahl (a clinical psychologist) and Qualben (MD Psychiatrist), attempted to discover the real nature of the language of those who speak in tongues, commonly known as glossolalia.5
The writers of this article did their own research: ...In carrying out our research in these churches, qualitative research methods were used to gather empirical data on the gift of speaking in tongues... During our visit to the churches that we studied we observed that believers, who were speaking in tongues, were acting and behaving in an unusual way. Some were falling down, crawling on the floor, and rolling over while others were beating their chests, clapping hands and shouting on top of their voices. The language they were speaking was incomprehensible, since it was made up of disconnected vowels and consonants.21... Few of our respondents claimed that they can interpret tongues. The majority of them said that no one has the gift of interpreting glossolalia. They said that only the Holy Spirit knows the meaning of tongues. Our observation was that those who spoke in tongues were inconsistent in their understanding of tongues. Some believed that tongues were meant to confuse the devil who cannot understand glossolalia, while others believed that tongues are meant to edify individual believers, to give them joy and deepen their spirituality...
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