These passages are very good support for what I was telling you here.
Check this out against the above:
Rev. 6:12 Amplified Theistic Evolution Bible: (
Revelation 6: The only name for God throughout the whole Roman Empire)
And I beheld, (in the days of Emperor Theodocius, who established the Holy Roman, Catholic, Apostolic Church, on 27 February 380), w
hen he, (the Lamb of the tribe of Judah, the off-spring of the root of David: [Rev 5:5]),
had opened the sixth seal of (scripture),
and, lo, there was a great earthquake (of religious social change);
and the Sun (signs of Astrology)
became (as)
black as (the)
sackcloth of (the hood covering a nun's)
hair, and the moon became as blood (of Christ, to determine the very day of the Easter and Passover).
Rev. 6:13
And the stars' (twelve constellations of Sun Signs)
of heaven fell (from popular grace)
unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, (ruined),
when she is (destructively)
shaken of a mighty wind.
Rev. 6:14
And (Astrology)
departed (from popular practice)
as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain (i.e.; Pagan religion)
and island (i.e.; secret society)
were moved out of their places (in the pagan society of all the Roman World).
Rev. 6:15
And (1)
the kings of the earth, (POLITICIANS),
and (2)
the great men, (STATESMEN),
and (3)
the rich men, (ECONOMIC BARONS),
and (4)
the chief captains, (PRIESTHOODS),
and (5)
the mighty men, (MILITARY LEADERS),
and (6)
every bondman, (CRAFTSMAN),
and (7)
every free man, (PEASANT),
hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the (institutionalized)
mountains (of that pagan society);
Rev. 6:16
And said to the mountains (of the previous decadent and hedonistic social institutions)
and rocks (of that wide-open, sexually promiscuous culture),
Fall on us, (help!),
and hide us from the face (of Papal judgment)
of[/B[ (Universal Catholicism), him that sitteth on the throne (of Christian Rome) and from the (words of) wrath of the Lamb, (the Word of the New Testament):
Rev. 6:17 For the great day of his wrath, (the one thousand year reign predicted), is come; and who, (what other God) shall be able to stand (during these Dark Ages).