You're welcome to your opinion, but you can neither prove it by Scripture nor by testing. It was a one-time event, outside the realm of testable science.
The fact that I am a born-again Christian is outside the realm of testable science - but, I believe it!
Part of the problem is -
when people treat science like it was the Bible (accepting without question whatever science says),
and the Bible like it was science (not willing to believe what scripture says without proof).
Do you see how "backwards" this is? (You have Satan to thank for that.)
People of faith should be more apt to
believe what the Bible says and
question what 'science' (man) says.
If you put science before the Bible, it will cause you to "miss" or "overlook" what the Bible is trying to tell you.
If you put the Bible before science, you will accept what God says about the earth - it is 'stationary' / 'does not move', it 'has corners', it 'sits on pillars', etc. etc. etc. - and, you will question science when/where it does not agree with what the Bible says.
The Bible says that - on Creation Day - God created a 'firmament' with water above and below it.
The Bible says that the sun, moon, and stars are
in the firmament.
The Bible says that the birds fly
in the firmament.
What is the 'firmament'?
What else does the Bible say in regard to the 'firmament'?
When are you going to "forget about science" long enough to understand properly what the Bible is saying? And,
then see how science measures up to what the Bible says?
You will never understand any of this properly until you are willing to take 'science' to the 'altar' at the feet of Jesus and 'sacrifice' it - forsake it entirely - forget it entirely - giving it no place whatsoever with regard to the truth of scripture - so that you may have a 'full' understanding of what scripture is trying to tell you.
Until you do this - 'science' will be your 'god' where your understanding of our reality is concerned.
Meanwhile, you are STILL avoiding dealing with the Sydney Opera House shadows, YEARS after I originally posted the pictures.
I am not avoiding anything.
Don't assume so much -
you don't realize just how much time I have spent looking at the pictures (and other related research) and pondering, thinking, etc. since you originally posted the pictures.
I am still looking into it -
as I have time. (Which is really not a whole lot.)
You're the one trying to "get off easy" by throwing up red herrings.
Nope. Nothing like that. Absolutely not.
I get it: you're busy. Not too busy to keep posting responses though.
You don't understand my limitations in this area. Perhaps I will explain it more later. Just keep in mind that the requirements for writing longer - and, especially, more in-depth/serious posts - go up "exponentially" with the length of the post and the depth of the intent of the post.
Short responses are not nearly so "involved" as long ones.
And, another thing - when you and others "throw out" stuff that "becomes more important" in terms of "having to deal with it" - weeeeell, it pushes-off-til-even-later such a post as you are waiting for me to write. So -
what is more important to you - keep producing a bunch of distraction 'crap' with the intent to constantly and continually "back me into a corner" and/or "trip me up" -
or - have the more intelligent and meaningful conversations you really want
sooner by
not doing all of that other crazy crap...???
The choice is yours. (collectively)
It is up to you and your Ball Earth 'compatriots' -
what is more important - meaningful respectful conversations or
