Wrong. Only us human beings are living souls designed to go on to the eternities.
Animals have the spirit of God within them so that they are alive, but when an animal or fish
or insect etc. dies they are nothing and the spirit returns to God.
That is why the in-Godly are often referred to as brutish - brute beasts.
The word “soul” is translated from Hebrew, the word nephesh.
The Hebrew nephesh merely means a breathing animal
animals are called nephesh in: Genesis 1:20, “moving creature” (Hebrew, nephesh);
Genesis 1:21, “great whales, and every living creature” (Hebrew, nephesh);
Genesis 1:24, “living creature” (Hebrew, nephesh).
The translators in translating into the English language used the English word “creature
but in Genesis 2:7 they translated the same nephesh into the English word “soul”
—[man] became a “living soul” (nephesh) along with [the creatures] called "living souls".
The word nephesh literally means “life of animals,” referring to physical life and not spirit
there is [a spirit in man] , that is not in animals,
this is not the Holy Spirit of God, every man has one.
Repent, be babtized and recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit,
the power of the Holy spirit can be given to man.
not sure where the bible says that animals have the Holy Spirit from God.