Actually, Hebrews is addressed to the Jews living in the last days before the return of Christ.
James was writing to Jewish Christians IN the 12 tribes.
doesn't it occur to you that there would be no reason to write to unbelievers (those not in Christ) as they believed they were still under the OT ordinances. you must have stopped reading at chapter 1 v.1
James 2:1
2 1 My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism.
obviously, to most of us I would hope, brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ means converts to Christianity
James is writing to CHRISTIANS, not unbelieving Jews and he is writing instructions on how believers should conduct themselves
there is absolutely nothing in the letter to corroborate your insistence otherwise
nonetheless, there is plenty in the NT besides James that directly addresses how a Christian should behave, so while you are all hung up on the book of James and misdirecting this thread, there is still NO EXCUSE for anyone to think lip service only is salvation.
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