Well, perhaps not, but I am sure it certainly helps. I've never heard of a single instance of an atheist seeing God. However, I know of the opposite sometimes happening. The best recorded instance of this is probably Mother Teresa. Toward the end of her career she lost all sense of the presence of God in her life and began questioning his existence.
For instance, my point would be that if you look to the very existence of life as evidence of God, it helps if you already believe in God. Atheists won't see life as evidence for God.
For instance, my point would be that if you look to the very existence of life as evidence of God, it helps if you already believe in God. Atheists won't see life as evidence for God.
Or does it make since to treat each other with mutual love, not condemning each other and actually care as Noah did and God called him righteous for that; and was angry over all the rest that all they did was think as how to get ahead for them and just those they liked, and who cares for the rest and just destroy the rest, for their own gain and whoever was with them
Why can't one see the love of God a Merciful God, even Jonah had trouble seeing the amazing Mercy of God to the Ninevites, and was sorely angry at god for being Merciful, and yet God stayed Merciful even to Jonah first through the Goard that gave him Shade, then the worm that ate the goard all from God to refine Jonah to see Mercy over sacrifice and rejoice in God giving us favor, when we turn to this type of Mercy to others we show we beleive