I think just a general knowledge of how and what they think would do this thread just fine.
I have no clue so please continue to post your experiences so I can glean some knowledge.
Thank you
I have no clue so please continue to post your experiences so I can glean some knowledge.
Thank you
Such disgusting tactics as Angela used are inexcusable, addressing me directly and then pretending she was not talking about me when she was. She goes on and on about our Canadian prime minister and his inclinations to Islam and I guess I will have to start applying her own logic to her doing so, and calling her a hater who is full of anger and terror. She is someone whose haughtiness is so great she will say things like you cannot understand Scripture unless you read Greek, because she reads Greek, therefore, if you do not, you are beneath her in understanding, in effect discrediting every single person who ever came to Christ when they understood and accepted the gospel message because, oops, you do not read Greek, therefore you could not have understood. She has had a number of people calling her out on her egotistical stance a number of times, but people always stick up for her because she has studied for years, as if that somehow raises her above the human condition. It would have been nice if she had taken responsibility for her paltry behavior toward me, but instead she lied about it.