Jacob The Heel Catcher - Spiritual Adultery

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Sep 3, 2016
The Miracle of God’s Word

Proverbs 26:23
Burning lips and a wicked heart are like a potsherd covered with silver dross.

The reference here is to one who attempts to cover the evil in his heart with words which paint a deceptive picture. An old dirty mason jar covered with silver remains an old mason jar. We have been hearing in this portion of Scripture of talebearer‘s, and now we will begin to hear of haters and liars. God sees in and through all things. We may lie to each other, but God sees all things as they are in the heart. He looks ONLY upon the heart.

I’m so thankful that my Jesus went through and endured the cross for me so that I wouldn’t have to be something of old with a covering of something new, but He has told me that because I have believed in Him that ALL things are new (2 Corinthians 5:17). If we live honestly before the Lord through faith in His atoning sacrifice, we will be found walking in His path of victory, instead of the ditches of defeat. As children of God our words should be with grace seasoned with salt.

Seeking God in His Word and experiencing Him through faith in the sacrifice of Christ!

Pastor Curtis
Sep 3, 2016
Your Word for Today

"Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God’s Righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the Righteousness of God (Rom. 10:1-3).

The main purpose of the Holy Spirit giving us, through Paul, Chapters 9 through 11 of Romans was not, as stated, for Prophetical analysis, even though that, in measure, was given, but rather to warn the Church. If the Church follows in Israel’s footsteps by being ignorant of God’s Righteousness or by refusing God’s Righteousness, attempting, as Israel, to establish its own righteousness, the Church will be cut off just as Israel was cut off.

Concerning this, Paul said, “For if God spared not the natural branches (Israel), take heed lest He also spare not you (refers to the Church, as is obvious). Behold, therefore the goodness and severity of God (don’t mistake the Goodness of God for license): on them which fell, severity (speaks of Judgment which came on Israel, God’s chosen People); but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His Goodness (proclaims the conditions; the continuing of that “Goodness” pertains to continued Faith in Christ and the Cross): otherwise you also shall be cut off” (Rom. 11:21-22).

“God’s Righteousness” is that which is afforded by Jesus Christ, gained by and through the Cross. The only way that God’s Righteousness can be given to anyone is by virtue of the Cross, which demands Faith on the part of the recipient. If one attempts to gain righteousness by any other manner, the Lord refers to it as “self-righteousness,” and it is unacceptable — totally unacceptable!

I ask the following question:

How much is the modern Church preaching the Cross? The answer screams back at us, “Precious little!”

The Church has already apostatized. The Church Age opened with Christ standing in the midst of the candlesticks, in which the candlesticks represent the Church (Rev. 1:12-13). At the close of the Church Age, which pertains to the present time, we no longer find Christ in the midst of the Church, but rather outside, knocking on the door, trying to get it (Rev. 3:17-20). The Lord is, in fact, no longer dealing with the institutionalized Church as a whole, but rather with individuals only.

To be sure, the Lord has always dealt with individuals, but now it is only individuals.

“If any man hear My Voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Rev. 3:20). So, who presently is saved?

It is the same now as it was with Israel of old.

Paul said, “Even so then at this present time (Paul’s day) also there is a Remnant according to the election of Grace (definitely speaks of Predestination, but not as many think; it is the “Remnant” that is elected or predestined, not who will be in the Remnant).

“And if by Grace (the Goodness of God, all made possible by the Cross), then is it no more of works (no one can point to their works as grounds for Salvation): otherwise Grace is no more Grace (if works are mixed with Grace, they nullify Grace). But if it be of works, then is it no more Grace (works can never produce Grace): otherwise work is no more work” (for example, Water Baptism, if acted upon wrongly, nullifies its true meaning; this also holds true for all other great Ordinances of the Lord) (Rom. 11:5-6).

As there was a “Remnant” in Israel who were saved, meaning that most were lost, likewise, there also is a “Remnant” in the modern Church who are saved, but only a Remnant. Israel had rejected much of that which was of the Lord, but when they rejected the Cross, there was nothing left. They were cut off. The modern Church has done the same thing. It has rejected much which is of the Lord, but now it is rejecting the Cross. As with Israel, if the Cross is rejected, that means the Righteousness of God is rejected, and that means the Church is also cut off — except for the “Remnant.”

Are you in the Remnant?

The only way that anyone can be in the Remnant is by accepting Christ and what Christ did at the Cross. There is no other way!"’

—Donnie Swaggart (taken from the “Word for Every Day”)
Donnie Swaggart


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2014
It would be nice to read a post of yours that is written in your own words and not simply just another cut-n-paste from an outside source. I rarely will bother to read a cut-n- paste but will often read and respond to a post in a member's own words. It is my own personal opinion that a thread consisting on non-stop cut -n - paste is not an effective way to communicate let alone to actually participate in fellowship with other Christians. You have posted many times but yet you are still an unknown entity that never writes anything about yourself. You are almost impossible to relate to and rarely, if ever, actually respond to a post in your own words and particular point of view or perception.
Sep 3, 2016
Bread Crumbs “The Outward Appearance”

A hypocrite cares more about his appearance them the condition of his heart. The definition of the word hypocrite really involves a “false-faced one.” The picture here is a person who says one thing with their mouth but who really feels something else in their heart. That person is putting on an act. They are displaying what they believe people want or need to see. They try to hide what they truly are by actions and words that are appropriate. This activity hides the true reality of the condition of their hearts. But they love the praise that is the result of their play acting. Many in religion know the right words to say or the right actions to perform at any given time. When the audience demands a show of honesty or words of kindness they are more than willing to play out that role. But the attitude of their heart does not match the words of their mouth. Sooner or later what is in the heart will surface. Those who are dishonest about the condition of their heart will eventually be discovered and exposed. A Christian must be honest with himself and ask God to change whatever in them is ungodly. What’s in your heart?

Matthew 23:27 - Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

Pastor Loren Larson
Loren Larson Ministries
Sep 3, 2016
The Miracle of God’s Word

Proverbs 26:24
He that hateth dissembleth with his lips, and layeth up deceit within him;

He that hates causes division with his words, and is laying up deceit within his own heart. To hate is to be attacked and under the bondage of the spirit of murder. God’s Word teaches that when we hate, it is the same as murder (1 John 3:15). It is the deceitfulness of sin that causes the heart to be hardened against God in unbelief (Hebrews 3:12-14), and there is where one can be found departing from God. For many years the church has been told the Truth that God will never leave nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5), but few have heard that they can remove themselves from Him (Galatians 1:6, 5:1-4).

We as the children of God are to exhort one another daily while holding the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end so we will not fall into this terrible place (Hebrews 3:13-14) of falling short of God’s Grace. The beginning of our confidence came by the power of the Holy Spirit the moment we believed the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believed He died to forgive us of our sins and to make us children of God because He loves us. If this is where our faith remains, and here alone, we will be the example for others to be encouraged, and to keep on marching forward!

Seeking God in His Word and experiencing Him through faith in the sacrifice of Christ!

Pastor Curtis
Sep 3, 2016
Your Word for Today

"I beseech you therefore, Brethren, by the Mercies of God, that you present your bodies a Living Sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, Will of God (Rom. 12:1-2).

The first evidence of real Christian life is consecration to God and transformation from the world. This is not an outside mechanical action, but an inward perpetual renewing of the mind, a seeking for, the doing of, the Will of God.

In this consecration, the Holy Spirit through Paul demands of the Believer that we “present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God.” Then he tells us that this is our “reasonable service.”

How is this to be done?

Whenever the word “sacrifice” is mentioned in the Bible, as it refers to the Lord, always, and without exception, it goes back to the Cross. The only way that one can present one’s physical body as a “living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God,” which, incidentally, is the only thing acceptable to God, is, as we have repeatedly stated, by the Believer placing his Faith exclusively in Christ and His Finished Work. The Holy Spirit will then do that which is necessary in the heart and life of such a Believer, which will make the Believer what he ought to be.

If anything else is presented to God, and I speak of any manner or way other than the Cross, it is totally unacceptable to God.

“So then they who are in the flesh cannot please God” (Rom. 8:8).

When the Believer attempts to function outside of the Cross, the situation becomes impossible. Sin and failure are the constant results, no matter how hard one may try otherwise. However, when the Believer places his Faith exclusively in Christ and His Finished Work, i.e., “the Cross,” the Holy Spirit then does for us what we cannot do for ourselves, and the situation then becomes easy. In other words, that which the Lord requires becomes a “reasonable service.”

That’s what Jesus was talking about when He said, “Come unto Me, all ye who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

“Take My yoke upon you (the “yoke” of the “Cross” [Lk. 9:23]), and learn of Me (learn of His Sacrifice [Rom. 6:35]); for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls (the soul can find rest only in the Cross).

“For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light” (what He requires of us is very little, just to have Faith in Him, and His Sacrificial Atoning Work [Mat. 11:28-30]).

Then, and only then, can such a Believer present his physical body as “a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God.” He will then find that what God demands is a “reasonable service."’

—Donnie Swaggart (taken from the “Word for Every Day”)
Donnie Swaggart


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2014
I don't believe that anyone is interested or reading this thread. This will be my last entry.
Sep 3, 2016
Bread Crumbs “What Christ is to Me”

The Christian who thinks he never fails suffers from the sin of self-righteousness. While it is wrong to live a lifestyle of persistent sin, it is also wrong to think of oneself as sinlessly perfect. It is true that the believer is justified by faith, but it is also true that every believer has a condition that falls far below his position. So we must prepare ourselves by acknowledging what we truly are and accept our need for being changed. We must not develop a self-righteous attitude towards others. On the other hand, the Christian that believes that sin is acceptable behavior is deceived and spiritually miserable. The wages of sin will always bring death on some level. To embrace sin as a lifestyle guarantees that the believer will live on a plane of death and dying. They will find themselves attacked by guilt and floundering spiritually as a result of quenching the Spirit and rejecting God's Word. Let our faith not be in ourselves but in Christ. Let us depend entirely upon Christ to be in us what He has promised He will be. The Christian who trusts consistently, holistically, and singularly in the Cross, the finished work of Christ, will find Christ to be to them, wisdom, righteousness, victory, and peace.

1 Corinthians 1:30 - But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:

Pastor Loren Larson
Loren Larson Ministries
Sep 3, 2016
The Miracle of God’s Word

Proverbs 26:25
When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart.

Still here referring to he that hates, and says now to be on guard as the one who hates cannot be trusted, and will attempt to gain trust by speaking fair words. God says not to believe the one who hates, for there are seven abominations in his heart. What we need to learn from this word of wisdom is that a man who hates has a heart full of evil abominations.

The hate that rules a heart can only be overcome by the love of God which was manifest at the cross of Jesus Christ (1 John 4:9-10). It is only the perfect love of God that can cast out all fear which is the root of hatred because fear controls and torments men to the point of hating others (1 John 4:18). We can live by faith and not by fear if our faith remains in Christ and His sacrificial and overcoming work at Calvary! The promise to all, is that they through faith, can serve God without fear, in Holiness and Righteousness ALL the days of their life! That’s good news (Luke 1:74-75).

Seeking God in His Word and experiencing Him through faith in the sacrifice of Christ!

Pastor Curtis
Sep 3, 2016
Your Word for Today

"For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to Preach the Gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the Cross of Christ should be made of none effect (I Cor. 1:17).

Several things are said in this very informative Passage. They are as follows:

1. “For Christ sent me not to baptize”: We learn here that Water Baptism is not to have the emphasis regarding the Gospel, and neither should any other Church Ordinance. The Cross of Christ is to have the emphasis.

Paul is not demeaning Water Baptism, but only requiring that it be placed in its proper perspective. It should be obvious to all that Water Baptism, as important as it is in its own way, is not essential to Salvation. If it is essential, then the Apostle thanked God that he saw so few saved. Nor is it essential to obedience, even as others claim, for, in that case, the Apostle thanked God that he had made so few obedient (I Cor. 1:14-16).

2. “But to Preach the Gospel”: In this particular Verse, we are emphatically told what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is. In brief, the Gospel is “the Cross of Christ.” In other words, the Cross must be the foundation of all we believe, teach, and practice. If it is not, then whatever it is we are proclaiming, is, pure and simple, not the Gospel. This is extremely important, as should be overly obvious.

If our Message is right, we will get the results that a correct Message brings forth. If the Message is incorrect, there will be no favorable results, because there can be no favorable results. The entirety of the Christian Faith rests on the correct Message. If that Message is corrupted, diluted, or perverted in any way, this means that it is no longer the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but something else entirely.

The Message must be “Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.” This is where the emphasis must be, and in every capacity.

3. “Not with wisdom of words”: Paul here plainly says that intellectualism is not the Gospel. This means that humanistic psychology is not the Gospel. Once again, the Gospel is, and must be, the Cross of Christ. Preachers of the Gospel must “preach the Cross.”

4. “Lest the Cross of Christ should be made of none effect”: This tells us, in no uncertain terms, that the Cross of Christ must always be the emphasis of the Message. If it isn’t, all that Christ did will be to no avail.

This coming Sunday morning, how many Preachers are making the Cross of Christ of none effect, because they are preaching a false message?

Of course, only the Lord knows the answer to that; sadly, however, most fall into that category. This means that few people are truly being saved. Few are baptized with the Holy Spirit. Few are delivered, if any. As should be obvious, we should be very, very careful that we do nothing that makes “the Cross of Christ of none effect.”’

—Donnie Swaggart (taken from the “Word for Every Day”)
Donnie Swaggart
Sep 3, 2016
Freedom From The Law

“Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.” — Romans 7:4

Paul Separates Believers From The Mosaic Law
There is no doubt that the apostle Paul did all that he could do to separate the first century Christian church from the Mosaic law. Paul understood that the law had been fulfilled in Christ and that mankind was encountering a brand-new covenant with new guidelines and responsibilities. Paul understood the devastating results that would occur when a Christian attempted to add the law of Moses—or any law for that matter—to the new covenant, offered by God in Christ. In Romans 7:1-6, Paul teaches the basics of this truth; that the new covenant believer is to be separated from the unbearable codes of law and joined instead to the person of Christ.

Dead To The Law By The Body Of Christ
The believer is set free from the law of Moses when he or she is joined spiritually to Christ. Paul says we become dead to the law by the body of Christ. This speaks of our spiritual union with Christ that takes place at redemption, the moment we get saved. “Dead” indicates a change in relationship. It does not mean that the law is dead nor that the believer is dead. Both continue to exist. It indicates that the former relationship between the law and the new believer has ended. The Christian is no longer held accountable to the law. He cannot be judged by the law. He cannot be blessed by the law. He belongs exclusively to Christ and is called to “learn of Him.” The Holy Spirit has been given to the new covenant believer at salvation as a means of guiding him into righteousness. This relationship was not available under the law. A person who tries to live out his Christian experience by Mosaic law (or any laws) does damage to his vital relationship with the Holy Spirit. Through developing a sensitivity to the indwelling Spirit, God teaches every believer (who is willing to enter the process) the principles, actions, and attitudes that should be exhibited in the life of the Christian. The believer is “dead” to the law when he is joined with Christ.

The Marriage Example
Earlier, Paul had given an analogy of a marriage (Rom. 7:2-3). In Romans 7:2, he declares that a woman is bound by the laws of marriage to her husband as long as they live. He makes the point that if either spouse should die, neither party continues to be bound to that specific covenant of marriage. The point is that death changes relationships. In Romans 7:3, Paul shows that a woman who marries a second partner while still being married to the first partner becomes an adulterer. In order to be totally free from the first marriage contract, a death had to occur. At that case, the woman would be free to marry a second partner but not before. Paul is teaching that the authority the law had over us and the responsibility and accountability that we had to the law has been ended as a result of our union with Christ. We are crucified with Christ and raised up a new creation. In the mind of God, we have died and are no longer accountable to our old partner or Lord—the Mosaic law. This legally frees us to be bound in contract to a second partner, which is Christ.

Spiritual Adultery
The problem with Christians occurs when they fail to understand that they truly are complete in Christ. Christ has totally fulfilled the law on our behalf. By being united with Him God declares and views us as righteous. This is true in respect to our initial justification, but what many believers fail to see is that this also is true in respect to our progressive sanctification. No laws of men, rules of religion, or attempts to keep selected portions of the Mosaic law are necessary. In fact, they are a great hindrance and hurt to the believer. For the believer is actually attempting to be married to both law (any law) as well as to Christ. We have been freed from the law so that we might be married singularly, exclusively, marvelously, to Christ alone. In Him is our freedom, our joy, our peace, and our blessings (both physical and spiritual). We were freed from the law that we might be joined to Christ. There can be nothing better!

Bringing Forth Fruit
So, what are the responsibilities of the new believer once freed from the authority and responsibility of the Mosaic law? We are responsible to follow Christ. The most outstanding feature of the new covenant is the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit takes up residence within us to guide, empower, instruct, and construct us into the image of Christ. We can still learn what God is like and what God approves of from the Old Testament law. But we are not to attempt to enter into covenant with the Mosaic law. To do so is a slap in the face of Christ, who died to free us from the righteous demands of the law. Jesus told us that all the law falls into two specific categories: The first—to love God with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength. The second—to love your neighbor as yourself. All of the Mosaic law is fulfilled in these two commandments. This is the responsibility of every Christian. We are to bring forth fruit under God by faith in Christ and what He has done for us at Calvary. As we center our faith on Christ and His finished work, the Holy Spirit is free to equip us to love God supremely and to cause us to love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves.

Pastor Loren Larson
Loren Larson Ministries
Sep 3, 2016
How To Live For God - Part 1

When the Lord began to open up to me the great message of the cross, which was now some twenty-odd years ago, I thought in my heart that the church in general would be thrilled to know this great truth. But a few days later, the Evil One began to speak to me as an angel of light, and Satan can be very convincing—I mean very convincing—as an angel of light. It sounds like the Lord; it looks like the Lord, but it’s not the Lord.

And He began to tell me, “The message that you’re preaching on the cross, there are a few who need it, but only a few. As a whole, the church is doing great. You’re preaching to the choir; they don’t really need what you have to say.”

Let My People Go

This went on for weeks until I almost came to the place that I believed it. And one Sunday night, Donnie was preaching, not on the deliverance of the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage, but he happened to mention in passing the word that the Lord gave to Moses for Aaron to give to Pharaoh: “Let My people go.” Glory to God! I want that to sink in. These were slaves—slaves to Pharaoh—and “Let My people go” was the word that came from Almighty God.

If you’re bound today by the powers of darkness, that word is still powerful: “Let My people go.” If there are bondages in your life hindering you, hurting you, and dragging you down, the word of Almighty God is still just as real as it was that day some 4,000 years ago: “Let My people go.” Glory to God! I don’t think you feel that like I feel it. You’re a child of God, you don’t have to be bound by nicotine, alcohol, drugs, jealousy, unforgiveness, or by any other bondage. “Let My people go,” glory to God!

You say, “Brother Swaggart, I’ve tried everything in the world, and I can’t kick this thing,” whatever it is. Well that word is to you: “Let My people go.” And I want to tell you something: Satan must obey the Lord; he has no other choice.

My People

And when Donnie said that, “Let My people go,” the Spirit of God came all over me. I began to weep, literally sob. The Lord spoke to my heart and said, “Son, what you’ve been hearing is of Satan; it’s not of Me. My people are in a bondage of darkness, the same as the children of Israel were in the time of Pharaoh; they were slaves. They had to do what Pharaoh told them to do, and it made no difference how hard it was. He said, “My people are in the same condition as the children of Israel were as slaves in Egypt,” and that’s bad, friend. The only answer for it is the cross. There is no other answer. Let me say it again: the only answer is the cross of Jesus Christ.

The Church

Second, if I remember it was 1993. We had the morning prayer meeting in the board room over at the main administration building. There were maybe six or seven people there, that’s all, and I was crying out to the Lord for this ministry here, and He spoke to my heart and said, “I’m going to help you, but My church is in a pitiful condition.” And these are the words He used, coming from the first chapter of Isaiah: “The whole head is sick, and the body is full of sores.” Let me say that again: He said concerning the church, “The whole head is sick, and the body is full of sores.” But then He told me, “I’m going to start a move at Family Worship Center that’s going to girdle the globe.” We were not on television then as we are now; we were on for one hour a week; that was it; I never dreamed of what is happening now. But we’re seeing the beginning stages—and I want to emphasize beginning—of what the Lord spoke to me: “I’m going to start a move at Family Worship Center that’s going to girdle the globe.” Glory to God! It’s going to touch untold thousands—tens, hundreds of thousands of people by the power of Almighty God.

The church today doesn’t want to admit that God is not only a God of mercy and grace, which He definitely is, but He’s also a God of judgement. Understand that. He’s a God of judgment. The deeper in sin that a nation goes, and let me say something else before I finish that sentence: the Lord chastises His own people, and He said if you do not ever experience any chastisement, you’re not My child because if you’re Mine, I’m going to chastise you because I love you. When it comes to the world, He will let it go for days without number, but there comes a time when He says, “It’s enough.”

Let me tell you, what Congress is doing, and before I finish that sentence, I thank God that the state of Alabama—they said it’s against the law to abort a baby—God bless Alabama, God be praised for Alabama. In reality, that baby is a viable human being at the moment of conception. But I thank God for politicians who wouldn’t give in. And I pray that Georgia will not allow Hollywood to sway her, but if she’ll stand up and say, “We are going to do the same identical thing in Georgia,” God will bless the state of Georgia.

The deeper that a nation goes into sin, at a point in time, God will send judgment. I stood at Dachau outside of Munich, Germany. The Germans are a great people, some of the most brilliant people in the world. I looked at the gas ovens, opened the doors, looked where human bodies had been pushed in, and over a hundred of these crematoriums were built all over Eastern Europe. But there came an hour that God said, “It’s enough. It’s enough.”

Every major city in Germany was bombed until there was nothing left. One city in particular, Hamburg—it was called “the night that Hamburg died”—over a thousand four-engine heavy bombers at night dropped their payloads over the city followed by more than a thousand American B-17s in the daylight hours that dropped their loads. When it ended, they saw streaks on the concrete all over Hamburg, and they didn’t know what they were. They finally figured it out: when fires burn at such intensity, they create a hurricane, and as the wind forces dragged them toward the underground substations every one of those people had clawed at the concrete with their bare fingers trying to hold on to something, but to no avail. Authorities said those red streaks were trails of blood from all those human fingers clawing at the concrete. Incidentally, every last one who was in those substations died, and there were thousands of them. Nearly 100,000 died—more than when the atomic bombs were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Whenever America legalizes abortion and legalizes homosexuality and these things that are against the Word of God, at a point in time, God will say, “That’s enough.” Recently I heard a preacher on television say, “Even now, we might be in the beginning stages of the great tribulation.” No, we’re not. This coming great tribulation, which is seven years, will be the worst the world has ever seen in its history. Jesus said it will be worse than anything that’s ever happened, and it will never happen again. Meteorites bigger than this building (Family Worship Center) will fall from heaven, and in the Middle East, over a third of all of the people will die that’s on the land; the sea the same way.

Of course this same preacher does not believe that the rapture of the church is coming. Well, he’s wrong. The Lord is going to take His church out of this world before the coming great tribulation, praise God. He has not appointed us to wrath. The Lord is giving the world—not just America but the world—an opportunity to get right with God.

Pastor Jimmy Swaggart
Sep 3, 2016
How To Live For God - Part 2

I remember the first time I uttered the words, “How to live for God.” I made the statement on a Wednesday night Bible study that the church does not know how to live for God. You see, as the church goes, so goes the nation. If the church is on fire for God, the nation will swing into line.

In the 1700s, the great Methodist Church touched this nation and stirred it by the power of Almighty God. Hundreds of thousands were saved. In town after town, the bars, joints, and saloons closed up because of no clientele; so many had given their hearts to God.

A man heard about the great Cane Ridge Revival that was going on. Drunk, he got on his horse, and said, “I’m going to go put that thing out of business.” Thousands of people were out in the woods because they had no building big enough to seat all those there worshipping God, and this poor man thought he was somehow going to go stop it. When he got pretty close, he heard a roar so loud that he thought it was a water fall. The closer he got, the sound got louder and louder. But it wasn’t a water fall, it was thousands of people praising God. Before he knew it, the power of God knocked him off of his horse, and he lay there, flat on the ground. God saved that drunk, cleaned him up, and wrote his name down in the Lamb’s Book of Life. And when he got up, he got up saved by the blood of Jesus and called to preach the gospel.

As the church goes, so goes the nation. The Word of God says, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (II Chron. 7:14).

Let’s look at this diagram for a moment:

How to live for God:
    • Sin
    • The cross
    • Sanctification
    • The Holy Spirit
When I made that statement, “the church does not know how to live for God,” there was a gasp that went up; I felt it in my spirit. If you would ask most any Christian, “How do we live for God?” He would say, “Well, I’m faithful to church,” and that’s right. “I pay my tithe,” and that’s right. “I witness to other people,” and that’s right. All of that is right, but that’s not the way to live for God—that’s the way to work for the Lord. How could I know that the modern Christian does not know how to live for God? Did the Lord tell me that? Well, yes and no. He told me by giving me the word of the cross because the modern church does not know anything about the cross. It knows that Jesus died for them on Calvary’s cross, and that’s the way they’re saved, but that’s the extent of the knowledge of the church. It has no understanding whatsoever of the cross of Christ and the part it plays in our everyday living for God.

Somebody sent Frances an email that said, “When you preach the cross, you’re preaching death.” In a sense that’s right, but it’s death to self. It’s death to old ugly self, but it’s eternal life to those who will believe. The Holy Spirit then works exclusively by and through the finished work of Christ.

The problem is sin, ladies and gentlemen. We get emails once in a while that say, “I’m a Christian; I don’t have any problems with sin.” Well get saved, and you will. Sin. We’ve limited sin down to about five things: Nicotine, alcohol, drugs, gambling, and pornography. That’s the big five. Self-will is sin.

Let me get back to how we live for God. Paul said, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2:20). That means you die with Christ, “Nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me”

Sin. Jesus said if you’re going to come after Me, you must deny self. Deny self, and take up your cross daily and follow Me. Sin. The church has tried to change the definition of sin. I heard Donnie say over radio, and he’s right, he said, “All sin is a form of insanity in one way or the other.”

I know none of you have ever failed, but if one of you ever does fail, whatever you did, it was plain stupid. Sin is a form of insanity, but the church has changed the name of it; it’s no longer sin, it’s psychological problems, which means that you’re not to blame for your idiosyncrasies and stupidities; somebody else is to blame for it. The church today as a whole is not preaching against sin anymore because people are coming to church saying, “I want you to make me feel good.” Well, the Holy Spirit at times can make you feel so good that you feel like you’re in heaven, and other times He can make you feel like you’re hanging over hell on a rotten stick. Right?

The Cross
Sin, that’s the problem. The only answer for sin is the cross, there is no other. You can fast until they can pull you through a keyhole, but it won’t give you victory. It’ll bless you, but it won’t give you victory. Ladies and gentlemen, the answer is in the cross, and the answer is only in the cross, for there Jesus atoned for all sin—past, present, and future for those who will believe, and without which we could not be saved. The cross, the cross, the cross, the cross. Crucified with Christ. The church doesn’t know anything about the cross.

Let’s talk about sanctification. The church doesn’t even know what sanctification is. You want to be sanctified—that’s a viable Christian doctrine—but how do we do it? The church has tried to sanctify itself I guess since the dawn of time, but it’s never been successful, and it never will be. And yet there’s a way to be sanctified—the moment that you place your faith exclusively in Christ and what Christ did for you at the cross, at that moment, you are sanctified. At that moment, you are sanctified because your faith is not in yourself, it’s in Jesus Christ and what He did for you at the cross. Then, the Holy Spirit, who works exclusively within the parameters of the finished work of Christ and will not work outside of those parameters, will go to work in your heart and in your life and start to do things that need to be done to give you victory over things that you’ve been fighting and struggling with for ages.

The Holy Spirit
The moment that you get saved, the Holy Spirit comes into your heart and into your life. He doesn’t demand a lot of you, but He does demand one thing and that is that our faith be exclusively in Christ and what He did at the cross. “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” (Rom. 8:1-2). Glory to God! “There is therefore now—now—no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” That’s the Holy Spirit. “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.”

If your faith is in anything except for Christ and the cross, it ties the hands of the Holy Spirit, so to speak. Every morning when I get up and many times throughout the day, I’ll say, “Lord, my faith is in You and what You did for me at Calvary’s cross. My faith is not in myself, it’s not in other people, it’s not in the church or the religious rituals and ceremonies that go with the church, but it is exclusively in You and what You did for us at Calvary’s cross.” Then the Holy Spirit can go to work. Praise God.

Pastor Jimmy Swaggart
Sep 3, 2016
Bread Crumbs “Freed by Faith”

The heart of man has been devastated by the fall. As a result of Adam and Eve’s sin in the garden, a sin nature was implanted into the center of man’s being. The sin nature continually corrupts the mind and the heart of all men. It causes us to think that we are going to experience life even as we make choices contrary to God’s ways. The sin nature is actually guiding our hearts and minds to embrace sinfulness and selfishness. It is literally teaching us to sin. There is no way for man to reverse this downward spiral on his own. But the things that are impossible with men are possible with God. What most believers do not realize is that faith in the sacrifice of Christ not only justifies us, it also liberates believers from the devastating devilry of the sin nature. The simple faith that we express in Christ’s sacrifice for salvation is the same faith that is meant to free us from the corrupting force of the sin nature. The damaged goods we had become can be totally transformed into the beautiful and righteous image of Christ. What a magnificent plan! What a mighty God we serve!

John 8:32 - And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Pastor Loren Larson
Loren Larson Ministries
Sep 3, 2016
The Miracle of God’s Word

Proverbs 26:26
Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shewed before the whole congregation.

Notice here that we are speaking of God’s people as they are the only people “in the congregation.” Our hatred can be covered by deceit, which is that which appears to be something other than what it is. Most of the time deceit is something that we think is right, but is very wrong. Example of deceit would be me thinking that telling a lie could actually help me, or that my situation is so desperate that God would OK me stealing something to eat.

Hatred will always be uncovered, and the deceit shown to be the wickedness that it is before all of God’s people. Others know how we are, and need to be watching us change daily as we trust the Lord! In this evil and wicked world, the conforming Christian, who is being conformed into the image of Christ sticks out like a sore thumb. Everybody notices those who are being changed, and those who refuse to repent and come back to the cross of Christ will be exposed and showed to the whole congregation.

Seeking God in His Word and experiencing Him through faith in the sacrifice of Christ!

Pastor Curtis
Sep 3, 2016
Your Word for Today

"For the Preaching of the Cross is to them who perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the Power of God (I Cor. 1:18).

How is the Cross the Power of God? That is the great question of this Text.

First of all, the statement in this Bible Text tells us that outside the “preaching of the Cross” there is no “Power of God.”

Sin is a frightful business! Its bondage is so severe that man, with his ability, even religious man, holds no answer. In other words, there is no remedy for sin as it regards the intellectualism of man, the ability of man, or anything that man has. Sin is so powerful, so destructive, and so perverted that God had to become Man and had to go to the Cross in order that this most horrifying malady could be properly addressed. Otherwise, the human race was doomed!

Therefore, at the very beginning, we have to learn just how bad the problem actually is. That, within itself, is a problem. Mankind doesn’t admit how bad sin is, and the Church, by its actions, shows that it little understands the potency of sin. If it did, it would hardly try to adopt the bankrupt ways of the world in order to address this malady of darkness.

As it regards “power,” which is an absolute must if people are to be delivered, we must come to the conclusion that there is no power in a wooden cross. Likewise, there was really not any power in the death of Christ. Paul said that Jesus was “Crucified through weakness” (II Cor. 13:4). However, it must be understood that this “weakness” was contrived. In other words, He purposely did not use His Power to extricate Himself from the Cross. Had He done so, man could not have been redeemed. Furthermore, there certainly is no power in death itself, as would be overly obvious.

So, how does the preaching of the Cross bring about “the Power of God”?

It is not so much what happened at the Cross which brings about power, but rather what the death of Christ on the Cross made possible.

When Jesus died, He atoned for all sin — past, present, and future — at least for all who will believe (Jn. 3:16). Satan’s power over humanity is sin; with all sin atoned, however, Satan loses his legal right to hold man in bondage. And yet, Satan continues to hold untold millions in bondage. So, how do we reconcile this?

Those who are unconverted have not availed themselves of what Jesus did at the Cross, so Satan has a legal right to keep them in bondage. Millions of Christians also fall into the same category. They also have not availed themselves of what Jesus did at the Cross. So, in some way, Satan also holds these also in bondage.

That’s why Paul said, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage” (Gal. 5:1). I remind the Reader that Paul here is speaking to Believers.

When Jesus atoned for all sin, this means that the sin debt was paid, at least for those who will believe, which then gives the Holy Spirit the latitude to work powerfully within our lives. The power is in the Holy Spirit, Who manifests such on our behalf, at least if our Faith is correctly placed in Christ and the Cross. The Cross is what afforded this.

Whenever we preach the Cross, and when individuals believe what we preach, the Holy Spirit can then exercise His Almighty Power on their behalf, for He is God; then sin, in all of its forms, can be overcome; then every bondage can be broken.

That’s what the “preaching of the Cross” will do!"’

—Donnie Swaggart (taken from the “Word for Every Day”)
Donnie Swaggart