Just an fyi, you must know Roman Catholicism to reveal it. Error is exposed by contrast in the light of truth. That hasn't happened. Well not to Catholic teaching anyway.
Truth doesn't need defending it defends it'self. Error is exposed by contrast in the light of truth. Express truth and error is exposed.
Truth doesn't need defending it defends it'self. Error is exposed by contrast in the light of truth. Express truth and error is exposed.
Actually after Jesus crossed the Sea of Galilee and fed fishes and loaves to the Gentiles. The first Decuple sent to the Gentiles by the Lord was Paul. Check your Bible. Romans my friend, are Gentiles.
The Roman ruler Emperor Constantine (the Great) Was the first to legalize Christianity in the year 312. He was anticipating a battle and saw some clouds that looked like a cross. He played sort of "let's make a deal with God. If God would help him win he'd stop persecuting Christians. He won and kept his word.
The problem was that Rome was pantheistic and christianity was monotheistic. The Romans who worshiped several gods and goddesses, idols, numbers and dates, praying to spirits of the dead... resisted. In order to help them merge together peacefully the authorities sort of looked the other way and by 380 am Catholicism merged with the Roman government, became one and the Pope had full legal authority like a king,
What they did wrong was breaking the second commandment and Levitical Laws by allowing things like statues, crosses, praying to the saints and Mary Mother of Christ. Changed the Sabbath (the fourth Commandment) day from Saturday to Sunday (The 7th Day Adventists and the Jews still retain Saturday as the Sabbath) Am I going too fast. I'll stop here and let you digest it check out what I said for yourself and maybe look up some words.
Over and over the Israelites were told these things and when they disobeyed they were severely punished. We shall not have reverence to or pray to the dead like Mary or the Saints. Only Jesus has the power to forgive sins and save souls. Not communion, not the repetitive praying (which Jesus taught us not to do in Matthew 6:7) you might call penance or saying the rosary or lighting candles or any thing else. Crosses and statues should not be allowed in church.
Leviticus 26:1&2
The Blessings of Obedience
1“You must not make idols for yourselves or set up a carved image or sacred pillar; you must not place a sculpted stone in your land to bow down to it. For I am the LORD your God.2You must keep My Sabbaths and have reverence for My sanctuary. I am the LORD.…
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