I'm not sure what the NIV is trying to say, maybe there was something wrong with the Hebrew copies they were translated from.... I'm not sure. If it's taken as written, which is the way I take all scripture, the NIV is suggesting that Christ had multiple origins.
Maybe it's like MarcR was saying and the NIV is talking about it's talking about Jesus' family history. I don't know what the NIV is trying to say but I know the KJV is saying that the preincarnate Christ was in the world before he came in the flesh.
Well, what I know is that all the major bibles say Jesus always was and always will be. NIV says that all over the place, so I don't get myself hung up and worked up because I don't fully understand verses like this one. But whatever this verse means, it is not that Jesus had a beginning, of that I am sure. I would say the interpreters made a so-so choice in wording, as they sometimes do.
I'm glad there is more than one version, so I can compare, and led by Holy Spirit I get what God wants me to get. I don't expect to ever understand everything in the bible while I'm on Earth, this fleshly chapter of life is too short. To be honest, I don't really trust my own interpretation of the written Word just by itself 100%, no matter the version, because I'm human and prone to mistakes, even when Holy Spirit is my guide, cuz I don't always listen, ya know?