Well the Jews call the whole week of unleavened bread Passover.
The Lord specified one day the 14th of Nisan as the Passover day.
The very next day is an annual Sabbath (15th).
The three Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke show that on the night Jesus
Christ was betrayed, He and His disciples prepared and kept the Passover
(Matthew 26:18,Mark 14:12, 16; Luke 22:15)
The Jews, however, kept it 24 hours later (John 18:28).
The Lords Passover begins at sunset, at the beginning of the 14th. At the time of Christ
The Jewish community observed their Passover on the 15th beginning at sunset.
Lets see what happened in the past
They kept the Passover on the correct day when they were in the wilderness (Numbers 9:5).
When they entered into the Promised Land, they were still all in agreement (Joshua 5:10).
King Josiah kept the Passover on the 14th (2 Chronicles 35:1). We also read in Ezra’s time
they were still keeping it on the 14th (Ezra 6:19), and this was about 519 b.c.
The Jewish confusion most likely arose in the third century before Christ.
The Palestinian Jews were under Egyptian control from 301 to 198 b.c.
“While the Egyptians allowed the Jews to retain their ancient calendar, there was a
change made in the beginning of the day—it became common to begin the day at sunrise.
This custom was adopted, and persisted among the Jews even down to New Testament times
Jesus Christ indeed kept the right day [14] and that it is the Jews
who today keep Passover on the wrong day, on the[15]
After this annual Sabbath is when Mary bought the spices.
The 15th fell on Thursday that year. Friday they bought the spices and mixed them,
then they had to rest for the weekly Sabbath. So both are true, just different Sabbaths.
Yes correct