When people hold unto teachings that take away all responsibility from the believer,it is going to be trouble.
The truth is there is a responsibility on the believer,because the Holy Spirit is given to those who believe,so there is no excuse why people cannot be like Christ,abstaining from sin,for a Spirit led life will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh,they will have the power to abstain from sin.
But the responsibility falls on the believer for they have a choice whether to be led of the Spirit,or not.
People can confess Christ as Savior,but deny the Spirit,or receive the Spirit,and deny the Spirit later,that is why the Bible says they have a form of godliness,but deny the power thereof,not everyone that calls Jesus Lord is saved,work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,and if you do not continue in God's goodness,you will be cut off.
Paul said we do not void out the law through faith,but we establish the law,and the law is spiritual,good,holy,and just,the moral laws,laws of love.
Everybody has to live up to the law,but they could not do it in the Old Testament,but we can do it in the New Testament.
If you are led of the Spirit you are not under the law,means,you are abstaining from sin,so the law cannot touch you for prosecution.
The truth is anybody that engages in sin is not led of the Spirit,therefore they are under the law,and they do not establish the law,which is strange that they would think otherwise.
If the man Christ Jesus had to do what is right to be right with God,then humans have to do the same,and there is no excuse for they can have the Holy Spirit.
Salvation is a gift of God,by Jesus Christ,but we still have the responsibility to want to represent righteousness,and goodness,for God will not twist people's arms to live for Him.
Not everybody that claims Christ wants to represent righteousness,and goodness,and it is wrong to take away all responsibility from the believer,for it is a trap that the flesh takes advantage.
To me it appears as if people want to believe there is no responsibility on the believer is because they are lazy,do not want to face the fact that they might not make it if there is a responsibility,and believe according to the flesh.
1Co 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.
And that is what they believe that they cannot fall,that it is impossible for them to fall,and that is where the trouble,and hypocrisy start,because the flesh takes advantage,for they do not pay attention to their walk with God,and become relaxed,and with the attitude that they cannot fall,they will engage in sin with no worry about it,because they believe they cannot fall.
To me hypergrace is a fleshy interpretation,for some people like to interpret the scriptures according to the flesh,and they do not understand the Bible what it says about faith,and grace,for there is a condition that goes along with them.
If someone goes to jail for a crime,and they pay their debt to society for that crime,and are free,they do not get to go out and sin for free,but they still have to obey the law.
We are forgiven of our sins,but we still have to obey the law,and have a responsibility to obey the moral laws of God.
If there is a sale buy one get one free,they will take the attitude of getting that second one free,and overlook the buy one first part,and say that is not true,trying to get something for free,when there is a price to be paid to get that second one.
They say faith alone,and grace,and overlook the price to be paid to have those things applied in their life.