Leviticus...I am going in

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Mar 28, 2016
I guess you have no more family reunions with grandma and uncle Joe? (after the flesh)
Read the context 2Cor 5:16. It is speaking of our new perspective and understanding as born again believers. It is not referring to Israel and God's ongoing purpose with the Jews.

Jeremiah also mentions in that same verse.. "I will also cast off all the seed of Israel" ...does that mean God will cast off His Son, according to your above interpretation? Again in context God is using Israel as the nation of His chosen people.

Speaking to the Gentiles (yes Gentiles...Paul must have forgotten that quote you mentioned in 2Cor 5) Paul wrote to remind them about their attitude toward the Jews (but I thought there wasn't suppose to be that distinction) this...

Romans 11:25-26 (KJV) For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

Oh surely blindness hasn't happened to Jesus!!

(Sorry, but I have little patience for Replacement Theology or any variant of it.)

Sorry its not replacement theology or any variant of it. Its new creatures awaiting their new bodies the goal of faith. .

Salvation is not in respect to the flesh of any man .Even the Son man Jesus replied... His flesh profits for nothing, zip, nada.

I do have family reunions with grandma and uncle Joe (after the flesh) and also my favorite Jewish brother in law who is atheist.

But as a new creature I am to not look to the flesh even if they do and they say I am using replacement theology . We are not what we will be when we do receive our new body as the bride of Christ .No male nor female Jew nor gentile. The flesh of a Jew is used two ways .One to represent those born again that do have the Spirit of Christ in their bodies of death, and the other to represent unbelievers (no faith) of any nation.

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

Regardless of what nation a person is of Jew or gentile if they have not been born again of the Spirit of Christ they do not belong to Him

Romans 8:9 But ye are "not in the flesh", but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.


Staff member
Nov 4, 2014
Ultimately it has nothing at all to do with Jewish flesh or the flesh of any nation.

The Jews were used in parables up until the time of reformation and then cut off. They were used to represent the new creation as well as the old . Inward Jews in respect to the new creature "spiritual man" .Outward Jew natural "unconverted man" .

The time of reformation came over two thousand years ago.

The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one. “For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.1 Corinthians 2:14-16
I do not know enough to speak on this so I am just taking note. Love the encouragement found in 1 Cor 2:14-16.


Staff member
Nov 4, 2014
Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
2 Corinthians 5:20‭-‬21 NASB


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2012
Sorry its not replacement theology or any variant of it. Its new creatures awaiting their new bodies the goal of faith. .

Salvation is not in respect to the flesh of any man .Even the Son man Jesus replied... His flesh profits for nothing, zip, nada.

I do have family reunions with grandma and uncle Joe (after the flesh) and also my favorite Jewish brother in law who is atheist.

But as a new creature I am to not look to the flesh even if they do and they say I am using replacement theology . We are not what we will be when we do receive our new body as the bride of Christ .No male nor female Jew nor gentile. The flesh of a Jew is used two ways .One to represent those born again that do have the Spirit of Christ in their bodies of death, and the other to represent unbelievers (no faith) of any nation.

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

Regardless of what nation a person is of Jew or gentile if they have not been born again of the Spirit of Christ they do not belong to Him

Romans 8:9 But ye are "not in the flesh", but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
My point is that God laid out a plan for the Jewish nation through the OT Prophets and through our Lord anticipated by the disciples that will come to pass. We can't spiritualize the Scriptures into Gnostic ephemeral concepts. For example, explaining away Jeremiah's promise that I cited, by using such Scriptures that pertain to our new birth is a form of Gnosticism. It won't wash under careful means of interpretation including allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture and considering the context of passages.
Mar 28, 2016
My point is that God laid out a plan for the Jewish nation through the OT Prophets and through our Lord anticipated by the disciples that will come to pass. We can't spiritualize the Scriptures into Gnostic ephemeral concepts. For example, explaining away Jeremiah's promise that I cited, by using such Scriptures that pertain to our new birth is a form of Gnosticism. It won't wash under careful means of interpretation including allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture and considering the context of passages.
Spiritualize the Scriptures into another kind of understanding , yours? How do you find the spiritual meaning hid in parables and proverbs? Do you spiritualize by comparing the spiritual to the same spiritual understanding??

Gnostic ephemeral offer the spiritual meaning hid in parables. It last as long as the parable.

It could be the properly perceived form in Jerimiah.


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2012
It could be the properly perceived form in Jerimiah.
First rule of interpretation.

“When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense; therefore, take every word at its primary, ordinary, usual, literal meaning unless the facts of the immediate context, studied in the light of related passages and axiomatic and fundamental truths, indicate clearly otherwise.”–Dr. David L. Cooper (1886-1965),
Mar 28, 2016
First rule of interpretation.

“When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense; therefore, take every word at its primary, ordinary, usual, literal meaning unless the facts of the immediate context, studied in the light of related passages and axiomatic and fundamental truths, indicate clearly otherwise.”–Dr. David L. Cooper (1886-1965),

That does not sound like biblical advice. If we follow that we will miss the spiritual understandings

First rule of interpretation we do not receive the interpretation of scripture after what some call "common sense".(heresy) as a private interpretation of men. But do have it after the sense of parables the signified language of God. Without parables Christ the anointing Holy Spirt of God spoke not .Hiding the spiritual understanding from natural man who has not the Spirit of Christ.

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.1 Corinthians 2:9

The Bible is literature with as spiritual mind set, the mind of the Spirit of God

2 Peter 1:19-21 King James Version (KJV)We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

Matthew 13:34All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them:

Mark 4:11And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal 2 Corinthians 4:18


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2016
I just finished digging through Exodus, which took me a long time. Honestly, I still don't understand how all the exact materials used and their significance to the tabernacle within or even if I am on the right track; I am going to move forward, though, trusting His revealing as and how He sees fit. I definitely see moses as a type of Christ, seeing the parallels between the two.

While my teacher is He, I welcome advice, from you well studied, when digging into Leviticus.

Thank you and God Bless..:)
I believe there is a lot of Symbolic representations in the dimensions and layout of the tent tabernacle that was in the wilderness..
Mar 28, 2016

Such as the things seen... the temporal .

Colossians 2:16-18 King James Version (KJV)Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,

One that I enjoy sharing has to do with meat, or in drink as a ceremonial laws .Not something we can judge another with seeing it is a shadow using the temporal things seen .

God uses the unclean as those who are not believers. Like a Ass.. Using clean animals "lamb" to show in the end of the matter God is not served by human hands . God who is of one mind and always does whatsoever His soul pleases . If he so desires he can but His words on the lips of a creature just like the subtleness of the serpent in the garden.

Exodus 13:12-14 King James Version (KJV) That thou shalt set apart unto the Lord all that openeth the matrix, and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the Lord's.And every firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb; and if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt break his neck: and all the firstborn of man among thy children shalt thou redeem.
And it shall be when thy son asketh thee in time to come, saying, What is this? that thou shalt say unto him, By strength of hand the Lord brought us out from Egypt, from the house of bondage:

Above it shows us by strength of hand or will of the Lord brought us out from Egypt, from the house of bondage: Again showing us he is not served by human hands .Three times to denote the end of the matter. He can use a unbeliever to preach the good new as well as someone who has been redeemed . He causes the growth if any .

Numbers 22:28 And the Lord opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2012
That does not sound like biblical advice. If we follow that we will miss the spiritual understandings
The point is the spiritual interpretation must have a base on the literal meaning of the text, otherwise your so called 'spiritual' interpretations will be all over the map. Anybody can make up anything thus rendering the Scriptures meaningless. That's how cult leaders get their following.


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2016
Hello CharliRenee it was very late and i did not have time to reply to you last night but i have put something together for you now:

(Exodus 27:9-13) "¶ And thou shalt make the court of the tabernacle: for the south side southward there shall be hangings for the court of fine twined linen of an hundred cubits long for one side: {10} And the twenty pillars thereof and their twenty sockets shall be of brass; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets shall be of silver. {11} And likewise for the north side in length there shall be hangings of an hundred cubits long, and his twenty pillars and their twenty sockets of brass; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets of silver. {12} ¶ And for the breadth of the court on the west side shall be hangings of fifty cubits: their pillars ten, and their sockets ten. {13} And the breadth of the court on the east side eastward shall be fifty cubits."

So the dimensions of the outer court wall where 100 cubits on bother the South side and the North side and 50 cubits long on the East and west sides. The outer wall was 5 cubits High.. So when we calculate the area of the wall we get..

(100 + 50 + 100 + 50 ) x 5 = 1500 square cubits..

Now the time between Moses getting the Law and the Atonement of Jesus has been calculated to be around 1500 years. As for me I would guess that the time period between the establishment of the Law of Moses till the Atonement of Jesus was 1500 Years.. So the outer court represents to me the Age of the OT Law.. The outer court had the Bronze Basin and the Bronze Alter. This is where the animal sacrifices where offered by the Hebrews to God.. This area represents the age of the Torah Law

The next enclosure in was the tabernacle it’s dimensions where 30 cubits long. 10 cubits wide and 10 cubits high .. this building had a roof of skins.. But the tabernacle was divided into two rooms that was itself split into two parts the Holy and Most Holy place there was a partition in the middle and in the most holy place was the Arc of the covenant was placed and there was a vail dividing the Holy Place from the most holy place..

The dimensions of the Holy Room was 20 cubits long 10 cubits wide and 10 cubits high .. Since the place had a roof we can calculate the area in cubic cubits with the following::

20 x 10 x10 = 2000…

Now how long do you think the church age will last between the time Jesus atoned for our sins on the cross till the time of his second coming ? In this room was the table of showbread ( symbolizing the Last Supper ) and the Alter of incense ( symbolizing the prayers of the Saints ) and the 7 branched lampstand ( that in the book of Revelation represents the Church )..

The dimensions of the Most Holy Place was 10 cubits wide 10 cubits long and 10 cubits high… lets calculate the cubit area of the Most Holy Place..

10 x 10 x 10 = 1000…

Now how long does the Book of Revelation say the millennial kingdom of Jesus will last between the day of the return of Jesus till the final judgement.. Of course 1000 years..

Revelation 20: KJV
{6} Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

The most Holy Place contained the Arc of the covenant which had the mercy seat on top of it and we know Jesus will rule from the mercy seat in Jerusalem during the millennial Kingdom..
Aug 2, 2009
Thanks Brothers and Sisters, you all are a blessing to me and my faith.
I know very little about Leviticus. He was one of the roman emperors right? Don't know too much about the tabernacle either except that its what the 10 commandments were written on. But I'll be glad to answer any questions for you! :D

(i'm only joking!!)


Staff member
Nov 4, 2014
Hello CharliRenee it was very late and i did not have time to reply to you last night but i have put something together for you now:

(Exodus 27:9-13) "¶ And thou shalt make the court of the tabernacle: for the south side southward there shall be hangings for the court of fine twined linen of an hundred cubits long for one side: {10} And the twenty pillars thereof and their twenty sockets shall be of brass; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets shall be of silver. {11} And likewise for the north side in length there shall be hangings of an hundred cubits long, and his twenty pillars and their twenty sockets of brass; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets of silver. {12} ¶ And for the breadth of the court on the west side shall be hangings of fifty cubits: their pillars ten, and their sockets ten. {13} And the breadth of the court on the east side eastward shall be fifty cubits."

So the dimensions of the outer court wall where 100 cubits on bother the South side and the North side and 50 cubits long on the East and west sides. The outer wall was 5 cubits High.. So when we calculate the area of the wall we get..

(100 + 50 + 100 + 50 ) x 5 = 1500 square cubits..

Now the time between Moses getting the Law and the Atonement of Jesus has been calculated to be around 1500 years. As for me I would guess that the time period between the establishment of the Law of Moses till the Atonement of Jesus was 1500 Years.. So the outer court represents to me the Age of the OT Law.. The outer court had the Bronze Basin and the Bronze Alter. This is where the animal sacrifices where offered by the Hebrews to God.. This area represents the age of the Torah Law

The next enclosure in was the tabernacle it’s dimensions where 30 cubits long. 10 cubits wide and 10 cubits high .. this building had a roof of skins.. But the tabernacle was divided into two rooms that was itself split into two parts the Holy and Most Holy place there was a partition in the middle and in the most holy place was the Arc of the covenant was placed and there was a vail dividing the Holy Place from the most holy place..

The dimensions of the Holy Room was 20 cubits long 10 cubits wide and 10 cubits high .. Since the place had a roof we can calculate the area in cubic cubits with the following::

20 x 10 x10 = 2000…

Now how long do you think the church age will last between the time Jesus atoned for our sins on the cross till the time of his second coming ? In this room was the table of showbread ( symbolizing the Last Supper ) and the Alter of incense ( symbolizing the prayers of the Saints ) and the 7 branched lampstand ( that in the book of Revelation represents the Church )..

The dimensions of the Most Holy Place was 10 cubits wide 10 cubits long and 10 cubits high… lets calculate the cubit area of the Most Holy Place..

10 x 10 x 10 = 1000…

Now how long does the Book of Revelation say the millennial kingdom of Jesus will last between the day of the return of Jesus till the final judgement.. Of course 1000 years..

Revelation 20: KJV
{6} Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

The most Holy Place contained the Arc of the covenant which had the mercy seat on top of it and we know Jesus will rule from the mercy seat in Jerusalem during the millennial Kingdom..
Whoa!!! That is just cool. If it has nothing to do with it, what a bazaar coincidence. It certainly makes sense why those exact measurements were used. Thank you, Adstar.


Staff member
Nov 4, 2014
I know very little about Leviticus. He was one of the roman emperors right? Don't know too much about the tabernacle either except that its what the 10 commandments were written on. But I'll be glad to answer any questions for you! :D

(i'm only joking!!)
Lol, no Nehemiah, I believe, let us know that Leviticus actually means, He called.
Interesting huh?

So I looked it up and found this.

Leviticus, (Latin: “And He Called”), Hebrew Wayiqraʾ, third book of the Latin Vulgate Bible, the name of which designates its contents as a book (or manual) primarily concerned with the priests and their duties.

How r you? Hope you are well. It is good to see you, ZT.
Aug 2, 2009
Lol, no Nehemiah, I believe, let us know that Leviticus actually means, He called.
Interesting huh?

So I looked it up and found this.

Leviticus, (Latin: “And He Called”), Hebrew Wayiqraʾ, third book of the Latin Vulgate Bible, the name of which designates its contents as a book (or manual) primarily concerned with the priests and their duties.

How r you? Hope you are well. It is good to see you, ZT.
I'm doing ok, thanks CR. :) Miss seeing you in the singles forum.


I think Leviticus is one of the hardest books in the bible. I remember starting the bible and getting through Genesis and Exodus but then stalling out in Leviticus.

This happened probably 4-5 times before I finally got through it. I fell asleep several times while reading it.

Genesis and Exodus are exciting because they are like a story unfolding. Leviticus is like a book of facts. LIke reading the encyclopedia or the dictionary.

But I remember there are some absolute GEMS in Leviticus that aren't in any other book. I remember wondering why blood was such a big deal to God and I found my answer in Leviticus.

Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.

I've read the bible from Genesis to Revelation, in order, about 5-6 times. Its probably about time to do it again... I kind of feel like I might be a little rusty... I hope I don't fall asleep in Leviticus... I remember 1&2 Chronicles being kind of difficult too.
Amen, i will be in oklahoma city next week for training, maybe i will take a look at leviticus again on th nights in the hotel.


My point is that God laid out a plan for the Jewish nation through the OT Prophets and through our Lord anticipated by the disciples that will come to pass. We can't spiritualize the Scriptures into Gnostic ephemeral concepts. For example, explaining away Jeremiah's promise that I cited, by using such Scriptures that pertain to our new birth is a form of Gnosticism. It won't wash under careful means of interpretation including allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture and considering the context of passages.

It is a hard thing, if god does not keep his promise to the physical children of abraham, why should we have any hope god will keep his promises to us, and will just cast us out when we disobey.

The way i see it, Allegorical interpretation of prophecies is an attack on Gods character.