it is not a sin to be a good employee...
ephesians 6:7..."With good will render service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good thing each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether slave or free."
to be a good employee is doing good on the sabbath...which is lawful...
Rach,, when I learned about the Sabbath,, I had a job, and I worked on Saturdays.....
I finally went to my boss, and I told him of my new found faith. I told him that I liked my job,, but, I had come to a crossroad...
I told my boss to give me my Sabbath off,, or I would quit. My boss was an atheist and a drunk.
The next Sabbath,, he told me, I didn't have to work anymore Saturdays!
I went to God, before I went to my boss.
I upheld God and His Commandment.... and because I did,, He softened the heart of my boss and my boss, gave me my Sabbaths off,, reluctantly,, but he did.
I have the utmost confidence in God. If I go to Him and ask Him anything.. I believe He will do it for me if it is in His will.
I tell you this.....
Sometime ago.. I had some great financial trouble. I nearly lost my house.
I went to God...And I prayed that He would get me a job. After my prayer,,, I swear to you,,, not 10 minutes went by,, that my phone rang,, and a job was offered at 21 bucks a hour.
If I call on God,, I'm sure He hears me. He upholds me, constantly. And I love Him!
Now,, excuse me,, I have to go. Happy Sabbath!