We were told to wear ST Christopher medals to keep us safe , to pray to ST Anthony if we lost something and could not find it ...
Have you ever seen the vids recorded secretly in the vatican of all their idols they worship , and looked at what really symbolic signs that the pope has a round this throne he sits on , it is worship of the sun god , it really is all disturbing , if one does not know about the symbolic signs of worshipping false gods , they will never see the darkness of their religion they worship...
Have you ever seen the vids recorded secretly in the vatican of all their idols they worship , and looked at what really symbolic signs that the pope has a round this throne he sits on , it is worship of the sun god , it really is all disturbing , if one does not know about the symbolic signs of worshipping false gods , they will never see the darkness of their religion they worship...
I have mainly learned about sects or cults that refer to themselves as Christian when they really are not
I know about the medals and about praying to Mary
the article I linked to describes it pretty well...and actually states that praying to saints is even better than praying to God because the saints are closer to God and know Him better
when you really consider these prayers, they are praying to the dead so does that amount to necromancy or just severe ignorance?
people are bound by these idols and false spirits
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