God is the ultimate Scientist. Just look at the order in the cosmos and our own planet (minus our negative impact, of course). It's mathematics in motion!
And the honest scientific mind strives for logic and sound reason based on evidence and fact-based, data driven information.
In a Bible study group I facilitated a number of years ago, I had a brain surgeon as one of the participants. He was probably the easiest one for me to work with, especially on controversial issues or difficult areas of scripture, because he was so rational. I just used facts from the Bible and the ultimate fact that creation requires a Creator, and he became more faith-based as our group tackled some difficult subjects. Of course, the Holy Spirit was our primary inspiration.
The challenge is capturing those moments of receptivity and tailoring the gospel using the appropriate language and personal experience to effectively witness to others.
And the honest scientific mind strives for logic and sound reason based on evidence and fact-based, data driven information.
In a Bible study group I facilitated a number of years ago, I had a brain surgeon as one of the participants. He was probably the easiest one for me to work with, especially on controversial issues or difficult areas of scripture, because he was so rational. I just used facts from the Bible and the ultimate fact that creation requires a Creator, and he became more faith-based as our group tackled some difficult subjects. Of course, the Holy Spirit was our primary inspiration.
The challenge is capturing those moments of receptivity and tailoring the gospel using the appropriate language and personal experience to effectively witness to others.
He praised them for their beliefs and then, proceeded to tell them more about this "unknown God'.
He didn't go there with a chainsaw and a flamethrower basically.
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