I haven't a clue as to what you are talking about. The Vineyard I attend (BTW, I'm not a "member" because we have no membership roles, whatsoever, at our congregation) consists, in part, of members of another Vineyard church that had to close its doors because they ran out of money, taking in and feeding homeless. And very few of us at the SPV have much money, at all. I doubt there is even one 2015 car in the parking lot.
Then you are very ignorant of your community. Every organisation has a budget, income, outgoings, people who make the decisions, who move the money about, and the governing membership. A church you described is a dictatorship of the preachers / elders and you just leave if you do not like their ideas.
The baptists stopped this by having a membership which has to have a corum for major decisions to be made, and people are voted into office by the body. It makes everything above board and all the accounts etc are available for all members to inspect and question. Whole congregations do go off, but it is much harder in this way of governance.
The prosperity gospel is about sowing seeds which return blessing to yourself, not getting wealth yourselves. WOF is about theology which says you can claim healing over anything, and if it fails, it is because your faith was not big enough.
Latter rain theology is you are gods who can command things into existance, and intercessory prayer is irrelevent, you can command things to happen. Now this is a very different gospel and a very different relationship with the Lord, so I was asking how much you are aware of these ideas in your congregation.
Now I know many "christians" who have got excited about heavenly portals, territorial spirits and gifts exercised by christians and non-christians as if this is biblical or even anything to do with Jesus. The occult or new age is closer to these ideas, so I was wondering how this has come to your group.
I challenged one friend I have known for 30 years about this, but they have gone quiet. The idea of accepting a man of God as a heretic would be hard for them to take. I challenged this man a year or so ago, and his answer is he is just a heart beat away from me. To put it mildly, he is simply nuts and is preaching the world not the gospel.
So I am shocked at how far seemingly sound people I have known have gone into insanity in the name of faith.
Does this help you?