You guys. It makes me feel all warm all over. The thing you are suffering from is being way to serious, and I mean way to serious or should I say, way toooo serious.
Let me give an example. Because you said ....... you have a demon ....... only the pharisees could say that ...... legalism is your middle name ......... you do not even, sorry, EVEN believe Jesus is God, and call yourself a christian ...... huh.
Now anyone from any approximately christian background can come here. Without any filter on what the community believes or thinks. The first thing you read is a few sentences and wow, they are .......
But is that not why you are here to listen to this breadth of opinion, not filtered by denomination, experience, age, background. It is brilliant, a gift, something to learn from.
I once started asking people in a church I was visiting what they believed. Some thought Jesus was great, others reincarnation was probably true, some that they like the social life, others liked the emotional songs. It is only when neutral opportunity comes along you start to hear the true reality and not the pulpit filtered accepted version.
The guys in the corner often have something good to say, in one small area, but they are so alone, they do not see it is actually not that important, but in their mind it is. But they need as much love and help as anyone, and some might actually be right. What you will discover is the body of Christ only knows one consistent thing, they love Jesus.
I suppose the truth is you learn how well that is true for yourself depending on how you treat the rest of us poor souls.
By the way I might sound like I am mouthing off, I am just thinking aloud, and i could be as wrong as the last mental case from the hospital, but it helps my serious condition of being madly in love with the Lord.