Those who enter in no longer live for themselves. As you mentioned earlier, are disciplined by the Lord to be His disciples.
The broad way that leads to destruction refers to those who will not bear the cross daily and "Will suffer losss, but will be saved through the fire," their works were perishable; having their affections in this life rather than in God, fallen from Grace, unable to do the work of God. "In Faith that works by Love," " As labourers together with God." There is much missleading controversy about the works of the flesh: idolatry witchcraft... and the fruit of the Spirit that endures through the fire. "The fire will refine every man's work. No one is saved by achievement, is obvious to those who come to Christ and anyone who truly Loves his neibour is influenced by the Holy Spirit and that's why rejecting Him can't be forgiven. To most everyone's surprise death and hell no longer belong to the enemy. Jesus has the keys, He declared this when he rose from the dead, and that's wy many will be saved through the fire but loose their reward. Even many that don't recognise Jesus as God will be forgiven. Jesus said this would be forgiven, but rejecting the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.
Those who enter in no longer live for themselves. As you mentioned earlier, are disciplined by the Lord to be His disciples.
The broad way that leads to destruction refers to those who will not bear the cross daily and "Will suffer losss, but will be saved through the fire," their works were perishable; having their affections in this life rather than in God, fallen from Grace, unable to do the work of God. "In Faith that works by Love," " As labourers together with God." There is much missleading controversy about the works of the flesh: idolatry witchcraft... and the fruit of the Spirit that endures through the fire. "The fire will refine every man's work. No one is saved by achievement, is obvious to those who come to Christ and anyone who truly Loves his neibour is influenced by the Holy Spirit and that's why rejecting Him can't be forgiven. To most everyone's surprise death and hell no longer belong to the enemy. Jesus has the keys, He declared this when he rose from the dead, and that's wy many will be saved through the fire but loose their reward. Even many that don't recognise Jesus as God will be forgiven. Jesus said this would be forgiven, but rejecting the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.