welcome! & i hope you can be patient & forgiving with us -- someone has said,
'where iron sharpens iron, sparks fly'
Thank you for the welcome! Patience is a virtue and forgiving is a directive from my Heavenly Father, so I will do my best

And I ask the same of you toward me.
That is an interesting quote, 'where iron sharpens iron, sparks fly' although, when the sparks fly, the two pieces of iron really aren’t sharpening each other. My dad loved to cook on the grill during the summer, and a sharp knife was absolutely crucial in his mind. There were times he took out that long round hardened steel rod and whipped the knife along like a pro. (Of course he was a pro in the mind of this daddy’s girl!)
I have often heard this expression used when referring to Christians helping other Christians. I understand it to mean that the interchange of ideas among people makes them understand the whole concept of the topic of discussion more clearly and gain new insights. To me it seems most often like people are being hateful with one another and demeaning each other’s understanding of scripture, and no one seems to really come out of it having learned anything. This bothered me because I could see only that the “Christlikeness” we as Christians are supposed to have was MIA. I always imagined two blades slashing away at each other, sparks flying – and the blades getting more and more dull and nicked up by the second. The idea that they could be sharpening each other just did not click in my mind. This caused me to do some research.
The fact is that I don’t know a lot about blacksmithing, but my research showed me that iron is not typically used to sharpen iron. Most commonly, blades are sharpened with a whetstone because the rough texture of the stone provides the necessary resistance to sharpen the blade. But knife sets don’t usually come with a whetstone – if anything, one of those long steel rods. That gave me NO more understanding but served only to confuse me more. Why would the Bible say something I was finding to not be accurate?
I found that those sharpening rods don’t really sharpen a knife – they just reshape it, which works for a while, but sooner or later it will probably have to be really “sharpened” by another means. In general, rubbing two like pieces of metal together will only result in the production of heat via friction. Rather than get long-winded with all of the details, I found that the key to the reshaping and sharpening of an iron blade is the angle at which the tools are held and to actually sharpen, one
must use a harder metal tool with a different edge or texture.
When this scripture is used it nearly always emphasizes the “like iron” part of this verse–meaning two similarly strong Christians. But in reality, if a blade is sharpened by resistance, then a similarly smooth blade is of little help. The iron that sharpens iron must be an entirely different tool. So, Proverbs 27:17 is telling me to surround myself with strong Christians who can sharpen me, including those who can “reshape” me as the steel rod does my kitchen knives.
The one thing I would say is most important about this whole comparison is that we hear about the arguing and horrendous amounts of disagreement between Christians and they “smooth it over” by saying, “iron sharpens iron” when in reality a weapon or tool can only be sharpened when the user is at rest, not during combat or slicing that yummy beef roast. So, it is easy to see that whenever there is conversation requiring patience and forgiveness, there probably isn’t a whole lot of sharpening going on.