You give no scripture to support this contention. Probably referring to John 3:16. Your side of the argument never defines LOVE, never explains how GOD can love and hate people at the same time, never explains how God can love what is evil .... the doctrine that GOD is LOVE blinds people from the totality of scripture.
If God loves everyone with out exception, he could save everyone without exception. He saved only who is loves, he save only those He makes holy.
The idea that a Holy God in which there is NO DARKNESS ... who is separated from evil ... that this GOD can love that which is evil, whose father is the devil "is a stain on his reputation and all he tells us about himself".
GOD does NOT love DARKNESS, GOD does NOT love evil. God only loves himself and those that are IN CHRIST. Those IN CHRIST are holy. Those outside of Christ are UNHOLY. It is simple: HOLY cannot love UNHOLY
If God loves everyone with out exception, he could save everyone without exception. He saved only who is loves, he save only those He makes holy.
The idea that a Holy God in which there is NO DARKNESS ... who is separated from evil ... that this GOD can love that which is evil, whose father is the devil "is a stain on his reputation and all he tells us about himself".
GOD does NOT love DARKNESS, GOD does NOT love evil. God only loves himself and those that are IN CHRIST. Those IN CHRIST are holy. Those outside of Christ are UNHOLY. It is simple: HOLY cannot love UNHOLY
Will have to disagree and just say I am disappointed. Because in my view you belittle Gods love
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