Well I disagree, respectfully of course, salvation is a inward thing a singular event born of the spirit, outward performance cannot prove it to anyone.
OK and I've not stated anything contrary to this concerning the former part of the above. Your disagreement there is unfonded sister, you're implying I've said things not said or that I believe contrary to this when it is untrue.
I would like to start off on the right foot here because the above is accusatory with no basis as if we differ when we don't on that above sentence.
I do, however, have to disagree that outward performance cannot prove it to anyone
(but it's not really "performance" which is being used instead of evidence and unintentionally adds a derogatory tone to something that is actually quite positive -- the evidence and fruit of conversion wrought by Christ in us ). I also agree that salvation is an inward thing and somehow you've construed it to be the opposite of my beliefs, it appears.
By the way, I'm saying
evidence, not
performance but as per usual others will take the word
evidence and make it sound like a works gospel is being preached.
That's not fair, true or accurate in description and is a not so subtle change of terminology that needs to be addressed. Evidence is not performance in it's negative meaning. No LS'er believes they have to
perform to
"get to heaven." It's a false accusation.
The author of the site did this exact thing himself, and sister you're doing it as well. It's a straw man argument and shows you are making evidence into a work right away by changing the terminology and then the alleged straw man can be beaten down.
That being said, outward evidence
can prove it to others, and show it to self. There are some very godly people, who formerly like us all were ungodly -- the evidence in their change, not performance, shows the inward change wrought by Christ. And others can see these good works and glorify God -
(see the sermon on the mount).
The key is on the word must to prove salvation
Agreed, and I believe it
must be existent,
(which I believe is the opposite of what you're saying).
The thief on the cross showed evidence of regeneration when we look at the change in him, the things he stated and believed. Something inwardly took place and was witnessed outwardly by what he said. Note
Luke 23:39-43. The same can also be said of Cornelius in
Acts 10. 1 Thessalonians 1 is also a good reference, showing evidence of conversion.
All truly converted individuals show evidence and evidence of salvation is both critical and biblical. There are many passages supporting this, and the epistle
1 John is dedicated to this task using the
"we" and
"they" example and of tests of sonship. It is not teaching that "if you do these things then you will go to heaven" but "if these evidences are within you it is because you are truly converted" hence
1 John 5:13 in context.
When I was born again I believed in what Jesus did for me, I believed I did not perform any good works for salvation and I do not do them to prove I am saved, I do them in Christ Jesus as He commands
All truly born again believe that. This is nothing different than the beliefs so-called LS advocates adhere to. But you keep going back to
"perform works for salvation" when no alleged LS'er believes in this whatsoever. Jesus did it all, He alone saved us the day we believed, and is saving us now as well, a salvation than cannot be lost.
So, for the record, people can call me LS all they desire, but I am saved solely by the work of Christ, alone, freely, and believe that evidence of conversion is not only biblical, but necessary because it is biblical. All LS'ers are falsely accused of a works gospel as witnessed in the provided site.
It is an internal event separate form our walk in Jesus,
I disagree here for obvious reasons -- there is nothing separate between the internal event and walking with Jesus as that is where it all began and continues - in the inner man, note
Ephesians 3:16. It is the internal man that walks with Him in and since that event and saving process He began.
and the source of our works is Him not us
I agree here but sense the old conflate evidence with works error. Of course it is all to His glory,
Philippians 2:12-13.
Evidence of salvation is not a works gospel, nor do any LS'ers believe they have to do a thing to get into heaven other than be truly saved by the grace of God in Christ. As soon as one shows Scripture proving this the false accusations roll out.
One does not have to read the website if you disagree that was not my intention, I just know it help me separate out salvation from discipleship which is important.
The site was offered, and I read it and he is in error right off the bat. Sorry, but he is, and biblically he is way off track preaching that evidence isn't necessary, and condemning others for stating it is, while wresting them falsely as works salvationists. It's incorrect, false, divisive, falsely dividing the body with a straw man argument, false accusations and unbiblical doctrine.
Galatians 4:19 may serve as a thought concerning evidence.
2 Corinthians 3:18ff also will serve this as well. The epistle of
1 John. Ezekiel 36:27ff. 1 Corinthians 5:17. Jesus in
Matthew 7.
There are many more Scriptures and the evidence is part and parcel to the Gospel message.
Now, to set the record straight -- works do not save, do not keep saved, do not help save, do not assist salvation in any manner, yet evidence of conversion is biblical and is a necessity to show one has been born again. The inward change will have outward manifestation; A tree is known by its fruit. It is also evident by the production of the fruit of the Spirit which is both inner and outward in manifestation;
Galatians 5:22-23.
Because of all of this I have to respectfully and biblically disagree that evidence of conversion isn't necessary and must reiterate that evidence is neither performance, nor is it a works gospel. This can also be seen in
Philippians 2:12-13 how God works in us to
doing and
willing His good pleasure. These things are seen both internally and externally in the converted.