True believers are in His hands and cannot be snatched out.
That is what we have been saying all along 
Because a true believer is believing and trusting Him.

My disconnect comes when someone seems to be saying continued trust/abiding is not necessary.
Some men say we have to continue, to abide in Him, and they see His faithfulness all the time to keep them by the struggles of growing faith He brings them to. They look back and see how faithful He has been to them and to His promises. And to say it is necessary to keep abiding does not fill them with fear. Instead, they grow more and more in trust of all He has said. So they abide more and more.
To then say to those men that they are trying to earn their salvation is a mistake, in my opinion. Anything that grows your trust is not a mistake.
They cannot be compared to a man who preaches works to be saved, or Sabbath keeping outwardly. That's not where their heart is.