This has nothing to do with thread, but everytime I see your user name, laughingheart, I feel better.
great choice!
What laughingheart said, has everything to do with this thread. You must have skimmed through it too fast.
QUOTE laughingheart: " Works should be an outpouring a joy at our unmerited good fortune to be so loved, embraced and saved. The overwhelming price of our rescue should humble us. We should be in awe and that should change our attitudes and actions. Our works are not the price of entrance."
The Spiritual FRUIT, such as LOVE and JOY, will manifest itself in good works. But Spiritual Fruits do not show up on the branches grafted into the VINE (Jesus Christ) for at least a year or two after being grafted in, which is a picture of SALVATION.
Is it Not a JOY for truly Born Again Believers to serve the LORD?
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