Hi Ralph...Do you not see us as like the 5 wise virgins , who came prepared with extra oil

, not relying on anyone else but Jesus Himself...We have our Lamps lit , Jesus is our oil , He keeps us burning bright , He restores us when we fall , we are His...
When we do good deeds , it is God who wills us , I go through seasons where sometimes I feel like I do not do enough , my days are quiet , I spend a lot of time on my own and then out the blue when I go out , normally something happens , and when I get home and look back on my day , I know it was God who willed me to do the good that I done...
We can not force good works or else that would be working in our own strength , although we walk with the fruit of the Spirit so others can see our light shining which is Jesus inside of us

The Holy Spirit will not abide in anyone who claims to be born again , who does not practice how we are told to walk , it is impossible not to change once we have the Holy Spirit...I love that the bible uses the word practice , it means that as we walk while we practice , we will fall down , we will and do stumble , and we press on making less mistakes because we keep on practicing...I am so glad that Jesus never said " If you do not get this right first time then you are out , done , thrown away...Praise God that He is patient amongst all the other beautiful things that He is...xox...