Get Right with God, me and the thread....
Originally Posted by dcontroversal
So your works today and false allegations prove what about you?
You owe men an open apology for being deceptive about what I have said in this thread...
Originally Posted by dcontroversal
The last two pages have proven you have no have misrepresented the facts about me openly, refused to apologize when proven false and refused to answer a few basic questions that proves your deception.......
Still bearing false witness I see and if you have read this thread you can plainly see that I have made numerous references fo any fruit or work being the result of faith and salvation....WHY do you KEEP bearing false witness? about answer the simple questions......of course you won't why?
a. You cannot because you do not know
b. It destroys your dogma
Still waiting on you to answer a few kindergarten milk questions from the word....
I will break it down and make it even easier to read and answer if there are too many words for you ENDOSCOPY....
Answer the FOLLOWING EASY questions....
HOW does one get placed INTO the VINE?
WHAT WORK places one into the VINE?
HE that BELIEVES in the SON and CONFESSES this BELIEF is ____________ <-WHAT?
WHAT 1 word goes with the bolded ONE right above this question

You owe men an open apology for being deceptive about what I have said in this thread...
Originally Posted by dcontroversal

Still bearing false witness I see and if you have read this thread you can plainly see that I have made numerous references fo any fruit or work being the result of faith and salvation....WHY do you KEEP bearing false witness? about answer the simple questions......of course you won't why?
a. You cannot because you do not know
b. It destroys your dogma
Still waiting on you to answer a few kindergarten milk questions from the word....
I will break it down and make it even easier to read and answer if there are too many words for you ENDOSCOPY....
Answer the FOLLOWING EASY questions....
HOW does one get placed INTO the VINE?
WHAT WORK places one into the VINE?
HE that BELIEVES in the SON and CONFESSES this BELIEF is ____________ <-WHAT?
WHAT 1 word goes with the bolded ONE right above this question