Lol. Unlike many, This does not mean we are at odds. It means we disagree on a topic. Does it offend you when people talk that way to you? If it does.. why? Is your faith weak?
Harmony? There will never be harmony between a works based self righteous gospel and the gospel of grace through faith. So if your looking for harmony, you will not find it here. Unless you repent
Harmony? There will never be harmony between a works based self righteous gospel and the gospel of grace through faith. So if your looking for harmony, you will not find it here. Unless you repent
If I believe works are necessary to have EL, why must it always be attached to "self righteousness". I do my works according to the works that the Lord wants me to do and the Holy Spirit guides me to do. It is not for gain or self righteousness, but for the building up of the Kingdom of God as he wishes. You know how it works, you do the same things, so don't tell me you are not engaged in good works any time the Holy Spirit instructs. And you do it for the love of the Lord, not for gain or favor or because you are "self righteous".
So be with me in Christ. We believe and love him.
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