Paul took the following words very seriously
But when the Jews opposed Paul and became abusive, he shook out his clothes in protest and said to them,
"Your blood be on your own heads!
I am clear of my responsibility.
From now on I will go to the Gentiles."
Acts 18:6
When I say to a wicked man,
'You will surely die,'
you do not warn him or speak out to dissuade him from his evil ways in order to save his life,
that wicked man will die for his sin, and
I will hold you accountable for his blood.
But if you do warn the wicked man and
he does not turn from his wickedness or
from his evil ways,
he will die for his sin;
but you will have saved yourself.
Ezek 3:18-19
But when the Jews opposed Paul and became abusive, he shook out his clothes in protest and said to them,
"Your blood be on your own heads!
I am clear of my responsibility.
From now on I will go to the Gentiles."
Acts 18:6
When I say to a wicked man,
'You will surely die,'
you do not warn him or speak out to dissuade him from his evil ways in order to save his life,
that wicked man will die for his sin, and
I will hold you accountable for his blood.
But if you do warn the wicked man and
he does not turn from his wickedness or
from his evil ways,
he will die for his sin;
but you will have saved yourself.
Ezek 3:18-19
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