No argument here.
But I sense your bias that a gift is only a gift if you do NOTHING at all, nada, to have it, or else it's not really a gift.
Forgive the brevity and lack of explanation, but I'm at work and post either off the clock or during downloads, etc.
Forgive the brevity and lack of explanation, but I'm at work and post either off the clock or during downloads, etc.
Yet you're boasting. You did something. You caused something to happen by what you did. THAT is boasting.
Yet such boasting is nowhere in the texts, as faith is evidence of conversion, never the cause.
It is duly noted you have an aversion to giving God all the glory, thus that false assertion reads things into Scripture not there.
Salvation and faith are a gift, given unto God's elect. His did nothing to earn it or receive it, they were born of God, which is why they "received Christ." In other words the receiving of Christ did not clinch salvation, it proved they were regenerate; i.e. John 1:12-13 &c.
Soli Deo Gloria!
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