Welp? Seeings how you "accused" me so "nicely? And have not the ability of "recognizing" "the Church", I attend?
I'll tell ya!
If I
HAVE to put a "Name" to it? And, it "appears" I do? I would "calls" it:
"The Church of the Adopted
AND The First Resurrection."
Yet? It's not
really so much a "Church" (although, it is), so much as a "
Monastery"(more like a "Spiritual school", at the "Highest Levels" of Maturity.)
, AFFILIATED with (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and TO "the Name" (HE, who SENT Jesus Christ of Nazareth), that this "Church/Priest University" has been ascribed with!
One doesn't even have
to have "accepted", nor even believe in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to be "SNATCHED!" (that comes later).
One DOES have to have done, what in "God's Eyes", is
"just ONE "WORK/S"
Attributable TOWARDS righteousness!" Much like that which "Abram" did, when he gave a tenth of ALL he had unto Melchizedek.
And, ALL Abram did, was RECOGNIZE,
and pay homage to Melchizedek! A Priest of the MOST HIGH GOD!
In "my case", however? (not gonna bore ya with me whole life's story. Most of which, I have borne witness to over the past 4 years, right here in the BDF)
I, all on my own, made up my mind, and "WALKED AWAY" from crack cocaine! COLD TURKEY! Would be the term "some" would use! The "definition" of which, precedes the term "cold turkey", for those not familiar with the term. (has to do, more with "goose bumps", all over the skin, that is on a defeathered turkey. but because is such a "modern" term, heroin addicts use? Is a "street name" for a "frame of reference", as turkeys, are more prevalent these days, more so then geeses!)
.....so there I was, sitting in me living room, watching T.V. Minding me own business, When "all of a sudden" this "feeling of LOVE" started coming inside of me! It FELT great! At the first! "The love of Jesus!" I thought it was! And very well COULD have been. AT THE FIRST!
But, it DIDN'T STOP! It kept on coming and growing and growing in strength and intensity, til It wasn't His "love" "I" was feeling anymore! I was being "turned" inside out! Which is, if, and "when" it happens to YOU? (and it
SHALL!) Is pretty downright SCARY! Because you start getting the "live version" in "real time", of what it's like to be a "living" dead man! In one's
inability of controlling one's "bodily functions" (G version!)
And, "seeing yourself" melted, and spreading out on the floor, like a thick honey being poured out!
With God, holding your heart, soul, spirit, and mind, in the "palm of His Hand", making you "bare witness" to that which is happening!
In Isaiah 28, is called "the overflowing scourge!"
18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
19 From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.
20 For the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it: and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it.
Other places in the O.T. and N.T. is called the "Great and
TERRIBLE Day of the LORD!" And, some places "shortened" to just "The Day of the LORD!"
I have come to "define" this "Event" as: "Great in His LOVE!" (and) "
TERRIBLE, in the
(won't have to worry about "missing" it, either! God's theater is large enough for the "crowd!" And He
will "cancel"
any and all "other" appointments, or excuses for one's inability to attend!)
As far as "giving evidence" of "my" being "born again
of the Spirit?"
Matthew 19:29
And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake,
shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.
So? The "evidence", and persecution, I, and others like myself receive?
As y'all can't even "recognize" a "hundredfold?"
In "these eyes" anyways, bespeaks "volumes" concerning Spiritual maturity.
This is why I constantly am testifying and baring witness, as are others, to that which God has "shown" me, and (soon to be) them?
Because traditions of man, and precepts of men, have so closed "Spiritual eyes and ears", as to that which God is still
trying to say to y'all!
But? "These days", are
fast coming to an end!
Btw? I
do take offense, concerning what you think are my "political leanings!"
ENOUGH about me!
How's about
(is that the sound of chirping crickets I hear?)