The difference is, I'm open minded and will listen to everyone to see what they have to say to see if it contributes to a full understanding of the Bible. I've learned lots that way.
I have made a personal decision that I will not waste any more of my time in a church that is just that.....a waste of time. I actually get more out of talking about the Bible on line, and listening to Christians music on YouTube than I do in a literal, traditional church meeting. This is church for me. I mean that. Sometimes I get higher than a kite in the Spirit by doing this. I put on my favorite Christian music and discuss the Bible with you all and I get really built up.
I do not in any way want to dissuade any of you from no longer attending a brick and mortar church. Please continue to do what you are doing.
I have made a personal decision that I will not waste any more of my time in a church that is just that.....a waste of time. I actually get more out of talking about the Bible on line, and listening to Christians music on YouTube than I do in a literal, traditional church meeting. This is church for me. I mean that. Sometimes I get higher than a kite in the Spirit by doing this. I put on my favorite Christian music and discuss the Bible with you all and I get really built up.
I do not in any way want to dissuade any of you from no longer attending a brick and mortar church. Please continue to do what you are doing.
Your full understanding is that salvation can be lost and you will not depart from that.
Others say different.
I love my church and the ministry I have in it.
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