Can someone explain free will to me.....EG..eleventhhour.soulweaver...if you have time...when your ready.
Can you all explain what it means to a born have free will thank you.x
Or am I off topic?
Am I allowed to ask?
Can you all explain what it means to a born have free will thank you.x
Or am I off topic?
Am I allowed to ask?
Per example, it is impossible to understand the teaching about being born again if we think like Nicodemus. How will a man enter the womb again, right? Or to understand Jesus' teaching about the body and blood of Christ, that many took as cannibalism and left Jesus. Paradox invites us to patiently meditate on Scriptures until it is clear.
I do not take seriously anyone anymore who will pit fight Scriptures to disprove one side with the other on any such deep issue.
There is only one hint given in the Bible to my knowledge, when it comes to how election and free will work together:
1 Peter 1:2 Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.
We are elect according to the foreknowledge of Father God. Even before we were formed in the womb, God already knows all the choices we will make and who will you become, and that you will ultimately come to repentance and choose to follow Jesus. See also Jer 1:5. God doesn't have to wait for the future to play out, He lives eternally - He already knew from the foundation of the world what was the cost to pay, for saving you. This doesn't contradict having free will. I will stop there because that's the extent of what I know. And I'd like @VCO to chime in and help with his insight.
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