No I am not.
I trying to refute error with scripture.
Are we to change scriptures into a lie because we in our flesh cannot comprehend the doctrine of ceasing from sin? (Romans 1:25).
We must be in the Spirit to understand the doctrine of sin cessation.
I trying to refute error with scripture.
Are we to change scriptures into a lie because we in our flesh cannot comprehend the doctrine of ceasing from sin? (Romans 1:25).
We must be in the Spirit to understand the doctrine of sin cessation.
So you need to ask yourself why you change scripture and yet think you have the nerve to tell someone else they changed scripture.
rom 1: 25 - who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
Has nothing to do without conversation
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