Did you also miss the scripture that says,whoever the Father gives to the Son,they will never be plucked from him.
Are you blind to that truth?
Are you blind to that truth?
John 10:29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.
Jackrosie, God said it to Moses, but yet He gave Israel a bill of divorce because they chose not to serve Him anymore. So either, God is lying or you don’t understand John 10:29. The word deliver in Deuteronomy is natsal and it means to snatch away, strip or plunder, to be torn out or away.
While we are in covenant with God we cannot be snatched away, but when we choose to leave He will give us a bill of divorce, just like he did with Israel.
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