Haha - just seeing how my response is not in line with where the discussion is at, at this point. I reckon if I'm going to inject myself in the party, I should say that I'm an evangelistic, missions loving, 5 point calvinist. Does that make me relevant to the discussion, where it's at, at this point?
I'm new to CC but not new to the faith. It's unfortunate that this is the general direction such discussions go in - such divisive and heated disagreement. One side must absolutely be wrong, and it can't be the side we're on - and the best way to convince them is to rip them apart verbally. Is this the way of our Lord?
Some say, "I am of Paul, others I am of Apollos, and still some say, I am of Jesus!" When we should say, "we are of one another, one body of Christ - showing the world the love of Christ, in spite of our differences, yes, even theological differences, to His glory.
Of course, there are some non-negotiable differences. But I don't think Calvinism / Arminianism is where we split the body of Christ - unfortunately it is, in fact. But it shouldn't be.
While our daggers are raised against each other... the lost look on and wonder why they'd want to join in on such heated arguments. We're missing the war for skirmishes. And I say that as an RC Sproul / John Gerstner type Calvinist.
I'm new to CC but not new to the faith. It's unfortunate that this is the general direction such discussions go in - such divisive and heated disagreement. One side must absolutely be wrong, and it can't be the side we're on - and the best way to convince them is to rip them apart verbally. Is this the way of our Lord?
Some say, "I am of Paul, others I am of Apollos, and still some say, I am of Jesus!" When we should say, "we are of one another, one body of Christ - showing the world the love of Christ, in spite of our differences, yes, even theological differences, to His glory.
Of course, there are some non-negotiable differences. But I don't think Calvinism / Arminianism is where we split the body of Christ - unfortunately it is, in fact. But it shouldn't be.
While our daggers are raised against each other... the lost look on and wonder why they'd want to join in on such heated arguments. We're missing the war for skirmishes. And I say that as an RC Sproul / John Gerstner type Calvinist.
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