You examples are flawed in the fact god does not just offer his gift to his family or a particular group of people, he offered it to everyone,
for god so loved the world. Not just a select group, that whoever believes.
believe is not a requirement because it is not an action, it is a state which causes an action
the tax collector got on his knee to cry out for mercy, God gave it to him, he did not earn salvation by any requirement, he called out and God acted
for god so loved the world. Not just a select group, that whoever believes.
believe is not a requirement because it is not an action, it is a state which causes an action
the tax collector got on his knee to cry out for mercy, God gave it to him, he did not earn salvation by any requirement, he called out and God acted
I did not only use family as an example. You might not have read all my replies, but I used family, employees, customers, etc. My point being that a specific group was chosen without earning it. . Yes, God so loved the whole entire world that He gave all the opportunity to be saved, but most will not be saved. God gives the gift of salvation to only a select few. Jesus said “Wide is the road that leads to destruction (hell), and most enter it, but narrow is the road that leads to life (heaven) and few find it.” What do the few find? The requirement for salvation, and conform to it.
You say belief is not obedience, but Hebrews 3:18,19 shows that disbelief is the same as disobey. Belief is obeying, but it is not the only thing we must obey- there is also repentance, baptism, remaining faithful till the end, partaking of the Lord’s Supper, personal relationship fellowship with God, so, so many other things. Jesus says if you love Him you will obey His commands, and the bible says that even if you give all you possess to the poor, and surrender your body to flames (being a martyr for God) but have not love you gain nothing (no salvation). So what does Jesus count as love? obedience.
Yes, Jesus had the power and authority to forgive sins on the earth BEFORE He died, was resurrected, and established His church that He purchased with His own blood. But now we must join Him in His death by way of baptism- in His death is where He shed His blood. (Romans 6:3). We must also stay in contact with His blood by partaking of the Lord’s Supper. Jesus says “Unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, you have no life in you.” (no eternal life aka salvation). (John 6:53).
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