I believe in a day of rest though not necessarily Saturday. Especially for people in jobs like police officers, emergency personnel ( dispatchers and medical) and doctors, there is need for people to be working everyday.
Sure, there are exceptions like health care, police, military, ox in a ditch, etc., but we still must respect the commandment to rest on the seventh day because the Ten Commandments are just as binding today than since long before Abraham, who "kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws".
Adam and Eve knew better than to dishonor God by making the serpent's authority above God's, look upon the fruit as beautiful edible idol able to make one wise, steal it from the God's Tree, etc., Cain knew better than to kill, Rachel knew better than to steal from Laban, Joseph called adultery "sin", Abraham knew not to lie about Sarah, and even Satan "sinned" in heaven, sin being "the transgression of the law". So, yes, the Ten Commandments existed long before Exodus 16 and 20 and continue to exist today because while we can ignore circumcision, Passover, and every other ceremonial law of the Mosaic Law, it will always be wrong to kill, lie, steal, make other gods in place of God, etc. The same Sabbath Isaiah says will be kept in heaven for all eternity is the same Sabbath God wants us to keep now as we take an entire day once a week to "remember" what it was like before sin and look forward to when sin will finally be eradicated