And then he goes on to tell wives to submit to their husbands, children to obey their parents, etc.
The context is related to inheriting the promise. This verse isn't telling men it's okay to have sex changes and be women or to tell women to get 'gay married' as lesbians. Paul goes on to tell wives to submit to husbands. He tells the circumcised not to seek to be uncircumcised and the uncircumcised not to seek to be circumcised. He tells slaves and masters how to treat each other. You draw conclusions from Paul's statement that he does not, conclusions inconsistent with his teachings.
This two shall be one flesh is based on a quote in Genesis. And the commands for wives to submit to their husbands was given AFTER that statement in Genesis. You are imagining a contradiction between two being one flesh and wives submitting to their husbands.
Is the church supposed to submit to Christ? Does Christ love the church?
"Any theology that gives authority to men over women is not only unbiblical and wrong; it is a recipe for disunity, dysfunction, and destruction. Why? Because it’s not just, and human beings were made in the image of a just God. "
Teaching that teaches wives not to submit to their husbands is unjust and is a root of a lot of the disunity, dysfunction, and destruction in society. Just look what has happened to marriage and family in the past 60 years or so. You are also promoting a teaching that could deprive married couples of experiencing the mystery of Christ and the church in Ephesians 5.
Also, I do not see anyone saying men, in general, have authority over women, in general. The issue is wives submitting to their own husbands, not other people's husbands.
You should ask yourself what is more important to you, following the teachings of the Bible or your feminist ideology.