Being sealed just means that he owns you. He can disown those who rebel.
I pray that you never rebel then. My God will never disown me because His Spirit is indwelling me, and my name is already in the Lambs Book Of Life. He knew this from before the creation of the world. What a scary thought to walk my life in fear of being able to lose or throw my salvation away.
I've been on both sides of the fence too. I felt just that way. I could never EVER meet the standards of what the Word wants us to do. But praise Him He led me in the right direction and I now have peace through Christ; whom is my salvation. Forever salvation! He changes me daily as I heed and listen to the Spirit, and I know He will never leave me nor forsake me.
The point of ALL things becoming new was to get rid of the old and replace it with the new. When I stand before God, He will not hold anything against me because of Christ His Son. That's a POWERFUL and truth of what He did on the cross.
With this said, the bible says this:
1Jn 3:7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.
Notice the last part? Even as HE IS righteous? See, I can have this assurance because of Jesus Christ. I AM RIGHTEOUS ALREADY in the eyes of God.... But I don't ignore the first part. He that DOES righteousness is righteous. This means I still have a part to play in this life. NOT for my salvation, but so that men can see the righteousness within me and come to the knowledge of the truth. They will see His light and my salt and say... HEY, I want what he has."
Several verses talk about our works being done unto MEN, not God. God knows we are HIS... but man doesn't unless we ACT like it. James talks about this too.
So, yeah, I"m safe a secure in Christ Jesus, but I have a daily sanctification going on in my life, which transforms me daily into the person God wants me to be. Thank you Jesus for what you have done for me and that I never have to live in fear of you throwing me away like man does. Man will fail me, throw me away, curse me, kick me half to death and then push me off the cliff, but you Oh Lord, will never leave me nor forsake me.
I"m so Glad that you Oh Lord does not change your mind like man does or that you need anti depressants b/c you're moody or something. You are my fortress and in YOU I place my trust. No trust in myself, because the heart is deceitfully wicked... no trust in man b/c cursed is the man that puts their trust in man. MY TRUST IS IN YOU LORD! YAY YESHUA!
Okay, done typing