It's not automatic. If you sin after you're initially saved, you must repent to he forgiven. You can lose your salvation.
The thing I've realized it it is not our choice, it can't be, if it had anything to do with our choice that would make our choice a work would it not? If it is ANYTHING "we do", then that becomes a requirement and something you have to do to be saved, and yet we are told there is nothing we can "do" to save ourselves. Right? I want to be very careful here and not try to seem, as though I'm saying that our decisions have nothing to do with it, as if the two are disconnected, because they can't be. Love is not love with no choice, and we are very clearly told in scripture that we have to choose. We are also told that repentance is is a gift we are given by God, we can take no credit for our decision to repent, or I should say honestly say that "I" can take no credit for it in my life.
I come from a place where I went to the front of the church when called, I made that decision to "give my life to Jesus" in front of everyone. I even went later with them and was baptized as well to seal it, yet was not saved and did not know Him. However once I hit the hardest trial of my life, so far, and was brought to my knees in complete defeat, at a time after I was told and thought I was a Christian and saved, I hit my knees in unbelief thinking there was no power in that "Christian stuff" and that it didn't help me at all in my last 2 years of suffering. I just hit the end of any kind of belief in my own power and my ability to handle my problems. I saw my efforts for the futile attempt they truly were and couldn't do it anymore. I didn't even realize what was happening in that moment, but I was being granted repentance. I woke up the next day all new. He open my eye's to what happen throughout that day brought my to truth, and has been leading me these 10 years since. I could testify all day long but I'm trying to keep it as short as possible. I'm just making the point that when I thought it was my decision I was not saved, yet when I had no clue what was happening I was saved. I know it does not happen this way for everyone and some people may have really been saved when they repeated the sinners prayer, I'm just sharing that I do not believe it is "our decision" at all that saves us, even though it may very well play a part in our reconciliation, it does not depend or require it in any way. It sounds better when I just say that we get no glory for it. God gets ALL glory for our salvation right?
I know we Christians like to clash on it's either "this" or "that", but I believe that God working His sovereignty with/within/over our "free" will is one of the greatest mysteries of creation. I do not believe that we can lose our salvation anymore, just like I don't believe it's our choice that saves us. Jesus loses NONE the Father gives Him, if they left us they were never of us, He never knew them. It's a deep question and I understand your thinking, but it's so much bigger than just "us" it's all about HIM.
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