I only need one statement from Jesus to know I am saved eternally John10:28-29 …28I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them out of My hand. 29My Father who has given them to Me is greater than all. No one can snatch them out of My Father’s hand. 30I and the Father are one.”…
We are given eternal life think about the word eternal it is everlasting without limit it doesn't dissapear or go backwards it goes forth without limit
Think of the word salvation it means to be rescued to be found and saved when we were once lost alone and abandoned
in all of my time as a believer I have fallen strayed and fallen short-very short but never once did his presence leave me never once was I alone not a single time did I lose my salvation even though I more than earned that punishment
I am in my eyes the chief of sinners I have wrought filth and sin on my name yet whenever I only see a filthy disgusting worm I feel his gentle hands around me whenever I think I am lower than the earth that the worms eat I hear his voice say to me I am beloved and a beautiful treasure whenever I think I am going to hell his spirit tells me I will reign with kings. trust me if one could lose their salvation I would have lost mine long ago I more than deserve it but that is why I am all the more grateful and amazed by him
We are given eternal life think about the word eternal it is everlasting without limit it doesn't dissapear or go backwards it goes forth without limit
Think of the word salvation it means to be rescued to be found and saved when we were once lost alone and abandoned
in all of my time as a believer I have fallen strayed and fallen short-very short but never once did his presence leave me never once was I alone not a single time did I lose my salvation even though I more than earned that punishment
I am in my eyes the chief of sinners I have wrought filth and sin on my name yet whenever I only see a filthy disgusting worm I feel his gentle hands around me whenever I think I am lower than the earth that the worms eat I hear his voice say to me I am beloved and a beautiful treasure whenever I think I am going to hell his spirit tells me I will reign with kings. trust me if one could lose their salvation I would have lost mine long ago I more than deserve it but that is why I am all the more grateful and amazed by him
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