No, it is works in general; in particular we must rest from trying to establish our own righteousness.
The principle is the same regardless if the commandments are of Moses, of the Lord Jesus on earth, or in the epistles. The recommended rest goes back to God at creation; & God did not rest from the Mosaic law, but stopped activity. No human activities/works can save. But coming up against God's demands should drive us to Christ to trust Him as Savior. Rest in the Savior; cease any attempt to work your way to salvation.
The principle is the same regardless if the commandments are of Moses, of the Lord Jesus on earth, or in the epistles. The recommended rest goes back to God at creation; & God did not rest from the Mosaic law, but stopped activity. No human activities/works can save. But coming up against God's demands should drive us to Christ to trust Him as Savior. Rest in the Savior; cease any attempt to work your way to salvation.
What the Lord is telling us in Eph 2 is that anyone who is saved is saved because of his faith, not because of his works, whatever those works may be, for if a man were saved by works, he would have something to boast about, whether the works were based on Moses or gentile morality.
10 [/SUP]For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
So here it is saying the proof of your new creation is good works which God had ordained for us to do. So it is established the work that you are doing did not save you. But if you don't do them it is a sign you are being disobedient to being created unto good works
In the case of Abe there was no Law of Moses; so when it says, "to him who does not work," the work is not specifically the commandments of Moses, who was not yet born.
But why do you go on about this? NewB, haven't you yet gotten it thru your skull that the Lord Jesus is the Savior, not you or I ?
But why do you go on about this? NewB, haven't you yet gotten it thru your skull that the Lord Jesus is the Savior, not you or I ?
So you claim you are righteous like the Pharisee, instead of taking the position of the Publican? God be merciful to me a sinner? You can't admit that you are such a miserable sinner that you must be saved by God's grace?
The error of the legalist is trying to establish his own righteousness, whether it be by Moses or by any standard of ethics. When you take that self-righteous road, you seek to establish your own righteousness and not not subject yourself to God's righteousness. The point is not that it is proper to establish your own righteousness, as long as you don't do it by Moses. Trying to establish your own righteousness for salvation is an error of pride that leads to the Lake of Fire.
The error of the legalist is trying to establish his own righteousness, whether it be by Moses or by any standard of ethics. When you take that self-righteous road, you seek to establish your own righteousness and not not subject yourself to God's righteousness. The point is not that it is proper to establish your own righteousness, as long as you don't do it by Moses. Trying to establish your own righteousness for salvation is an error of pride that leads to the Lake of Fire.