it is specifically two just as the word of GOD states....
Satan, the great imitator will attempt to imitate the HOLY TRINITY, in an unholy manner...
Satan can not manifest himself fully in one...hence, the false prophet and the antichrist/beast whom he/satan/dragon gives his power to....
Satan, the great imitator will attempt to imitate the HOLY TRINITY, in an unholy manner...
Satan can not manifest himself fully in one...hence, the false prophet and the antichrist/beast whom he/satan/dragon gives his power to....
Satan the apposing (Did God really say?) spirit of all lies. As a false messenger he as a liar sends men that have bodies as false prophets. God removed his (serpent) ability to put his lies on the lips to the other beast of the field Ssssssssss (Did God really say?). Cut its legs off .
Satan is the father of all lies. Deceiving all the nations of the world. Not just the Jewish nation.
1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
If the false prophet is cast out then the lying spirit Legion) must flee . to show the power of the gospel . The power to turn false to true.
For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit. And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many. And he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country. Now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding. And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them. And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand
Its one times that the baby (Legion) must be thrown out with the polluted water. and wash with the water of the word.