Are you saying that we can sin as we please and it will have no effect on our stance with God? Seriously?
Our sins that we have been cleansed of by the precious blood of Christ are the sins we repented of, confessed of, and asked forgiveness of when we asked Christ to become Lord of our lives. That DOES NOT give us "free reign" to do as we wish from then on out ya know.
If a believer sins, God will not abide with sin, so, how does that not cause a problem for the believer. Now, if they repent, and ask God to forgive them their sin, He is surely just to do so. the "cleansing/salvation" action of the blood of Christ must be asked for. God doesn't have a giant water gun that He just sprays all around.
Believers who sin, and do not repent, are living in disobedience to God. Anyone who believes they cal live their lives in disobedience to God and STILL be saved has a sore, sorrowful awakening in their future.
Our sins that we have been cleansed of by the precious blood of Christ are the sins we repented of, confessed of, and asked forgiveness of when we asked Christ to become Lord of our lives. That DOES NOT give us "free reign" to do as we wish from then on out ya know.
If a believer sins, God will not abide with sin, so, how does that not cause a problem for the believer. Now, if they repent, and ask God to forgive them their sin, He is surely just to do so. the "cleansing/salvation" action of the blood of Christ must be asked for. God doesn't have a giant water gun that He just sprays all around.
Believers who sin, and do not repent, are living in disobedience to God. Anyone who believes they cal live their lives in disobedience to God and STILL be saved has a sore, sorrowful awakening in their future.
We are KEPT by the power of God through faith
The gifts of God are irrevocable
We are saved to the uttermost
We are SEALED with the Holy Spirit of PROMISE
We are in the Father's Hand and in thr SON'S HAND
NOTHING SHALL SEPARATE us from the love of Christ
He that believes on the son is having EVERLASTING LIFE
Verb tense, Context, Verbiage, The bible teaches eternal security and not some wishy washy losable salvation that can be forfeit or lost like a dime in the park....
Unless you reject about half the bible, are in a religion that disregards the power, promises and work of Christ and or are just plain ignorant of scripture......while being oblivious to who is chastened and why!
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