How do you get eternal life without believing?
Believing is how you access the grace of God that does the saving. Stop believing and you lose access to the grace of God in salvation.
That person is in contemptuous unbelief. Remember, to believe in the sacrifice of Christ is to trust in the sacrifice of Christ, not just believe that it's real. The person who willfully sins after being saved is hardly demonstrating trust in the sacrifice for salvation from sin and it's eternal penalty. They are trampling on the blood of the covenant by which they were sanctified. They will lose the benefit of the sacrifice they are trampling on and have nothing left to look forward to but to be destroyed as an enemy of God at Christ's coming.
Staying saved is about continuing to trust in the sacrifice of Jesus for the payment of your sins to your last dying breath. It's not new trust, it's not additional trust. It's the trust you started out with on day one and it must continue to the very end for the sacrifice you are trusting in to be applied to you to the very end. Stop trusting in it and it stops being applied to you for the forgiveness of your sins.
Believing is how you access the grace of God that does the saving. Stop believing and you lose access to the grace of God in salvation.
That person is in contemptuous unbelief. Remember, to believe in the sacrifice of Christ is to trust in the sacrifice of Christ, not just believe that it's real. The person who willfully sins after being saved is hardly demonstrating trust in the sacrifice for salvation from sin and it's eternal penalty. They are trampling on the blood of the covenant by which they were sanctified. They will lose the benefit of the sacrifice they are trampling on and have nothing left to look forward to but to be destroyed as an enemy of God at Christ's coming.
Staying saved is about continuing to trust in the sacrifice of Jesus for the payment of your sins to your last dying breath. It's not new trust, it's not additional trust. It's the trust you started out with on day one and it must continue to the very end for the sacrifice you are trusting in to be applied to you to the very end. Stop trusting in it and it stops being applied to you for the forgiveness of your sins.
The letter written to Hebrews teaches opposite to what you have written here.
As well, keeping yourself saved requires perfection which you do not have.
In John 3:16 you would do well to know that "whoever believes" is a nominative present participle portraying a single moment of believing and not a continuous one.
Meaning eternal life is immediately received when one believes in the Christ as Saviour.
As well, according to scripture a continuous and perfect state of believing in Christ is not possible in our fallen state, since this would necessitate sinless perfection. Every sin that a believer commits is reflective of some degree of unbelief.
Therefore, you have placed yourself in an impossible position of attaining salvation/eternal life based on your own imperfect ability to maintain belief perfectly.
And you have made belief an ongoing work which is contrary to the gospel of grace.
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