That is a real reach. You are supposing, or whoever it is you are copying and pasting here, that nymphas is incorrect. To say it is bride instead of bridegroom is an assumption with no proof.
To say a woman is the minister is to add words, because again, it doesn't say that and that is an assumption.
To support such a posit you must reject Paul's credibility completely.
To say bishop is wrong, again, you must discredit Paul who told us "husband of one wife", of which there can be no dispute of the gender referred to there.
Paul told Titus to ordain elders. You think elder is feminine by gender?
God is masculine. Christ is masculine. The Holy Spirit is masculine. Only by twisting scripture can you or anyone else claim God's message was meant to be taught and or preached by women.
As with every single person on this thread that advocates women in the pulpit, you state, in effect, that Paul speaks with no authority from God, that Christ never taught him, and that the KJV is simply a perversion of the gospel.
Which one, or is it all three?
The ridiculous stretching of scripture to cover women preaching here is disgusting. Supposedly true believers trashing the man God picked to finish Christ's mission, to bring His gospel at last to the gentile. God picked Paul before he was born. Or is that a lie too? Or are you saying that Paul slid into apostasy later?
Which ludicrous plot do you think it was?
You people's blanket ain't getting the job done. You're going to find that out, and I hope for your sakes it is sooner rather than later.
Change your bed. Your feet are getting cold.