What is a confessional orthodox church? And there are no 23 churches in six regions in the New Testament. Every church was recognized as the church in Corinth; the church in Ephesus; The church in Philidelphia. The church was always recognized by where it was at. At least they are in my bible.
Antioch, Pisidia: Acts 13:14; Gal 1:2
Antioch, Syria: Acts 11:26
Athens: Acts 17:34
Babylon: 1 Peter 5:13; Acts 2:9
Berea: Acts 17:11
Caesarea: Acts 10:1,48
Cenchrea: Rom 16:1
Colossae: Col 1:2
Corinth: Acts 18:1
Crete: Titus 1:5
Cyrene: Acts 11:20
Damascus: Acts 9:19
Derbe: Acts 14:20; Gal 1:2
Ephesus: Acts 18:19
Hierapolis Col 4:13
Iconium: Acts 14:1; Gal 1:2
Jerusalem: Acts 2:5
Joppa: Acts 9:36, 38
Laodicea: Rev 1:11, Col 4:15
Lydda: Acts 9:32
Lystra: Acts 14:6; Gal 1:2
Pergamum: Rev 1:11
Philadelphia: Rev 1:11
Philippi: Acts 16:12
Puteoli, Italy: Acts 28:13-14
Rome: Rom 1:7
Sardis: Rev 1:11
Sharon: Acts 9:35
Smyrna: Rev 1:11
Tarsus: Acts 9:30
Thessalonica: Acts 17:1
Thyatira: Rev 1:11; Acts 16:14
Troas: Acts 20:6-7
Maybe read your Bible more closely.
I'm starting to think maybe it ain't the churches who don't believe the Bible.